illusion necklace ??


Aug 22, 2013
I need help!! My good friend is getting married later this summer and has asked me to make her an "illusion necklace" with freshwater pearls. They are also called "floating necklaces." Has anyone ever made something like this? If so, would you please advise! I have googled several vids, but I appreciate any product or technique recommendations from the experts here! Thanks!
Katbran, I agree with you, I'm really not a fan either and so never had any interest in learning how to make these. ..but she is my friend, so that it is. Pattey, she has a couple of strands with assorted sizes that she wants mixed into a 3-strand necklace. I'm thinking some type of clear fishing line with crimps tucked inside a silver or gold cone. But I'm not sure about attaching all of this? JP, I was also thinking either glue or looping the fishing line around and through each pearl to hold it in place. Thanks all!
Searching the various beading seems that Beadalon makes a clear beading line that is supposed to be more flexible than fishing line ( my first thought as well JP ) as it's meant for necklaces etc. I've never used it but it's what several sites recommended. I think I'd try the glue ... and that link I posted had some good hints for glueing . They suggested placing the glue drip approx 1/8 " from where you want the pearl..then slide the pearl over it and into position. If she doesn't mind some colour , the plated wire is quite pretty. I'd avoid, I think, looping the line around the pearl. Grab some line and try gluing a few daggy pearls and see how it holds up. :)
SunSeeker, you are certainly a good friend to attempt this. I did one about 20 years ago and never again!!! The glue was a mess. Finally just did a knot on either side of each pearl. Ended the 5 strands inside a small cone. Never again :)
These were a fashion fad a few years ago.
Any clear thread would do the trick - even clear stretch. Dab of glue on the thread, slide the pearl into place and hold until the glue catches (fast setting gel superglue recommended)
Not sure how you'll finish the piece to the clasp. Gathering all the threads neatly and elegantly is something I'm not sure on
Katbran, thanks for the link and Beadalon recommendation. I will run a test before first using with glue and knotting

Marianne, haha, my thoughts exactly! I tried to guide her to another design, but she was decided on this style. :( ...good thing she wants the pearls placed randomly!

pearlescence, thanks for the glue suggestion. I will try that!
I don't suppose you could talk her out of the illusion thing, and maybe into a bright silver or white gold tin cup, but in the same sort of style she has in mind. It would be much more durable and more in style. If the chain was fine or even diamond cut, it would look very pretty.
I specialize in tin cups, but I have only made one of these per a customer request. I used 50# test monofiliament. I crimped 2 x 2 crimp beads and used a "magic Crimper". The 50# gave the diameter I needed to do the magic crimp on a single line. Magic crimper makes a round bead. Search for it on www and you'll see video of the crimper. Send me your mailing address & I'll send you some 50# no charge. I have about 80 yards I will never use. Flat crimping a 1 x 1 crimp with chain nose plyers will work using lower # monofiliment. Glue hates nylon fishing line. Use a crimp type ending (not glue) to finish.
Never used fishing line filament for necklaces, but couldn't you just make a knot on either side of each pearl? Perhaps dab the knot with glue or a little but of heat?
The crimp beads are standard beads for the regular method, and a magic crimper. Videos are about having two strands through. One strand through for the magic crimper with a 2 x 2 crimp bead is the reason to use the 50# line. I don't know of solid 14 k crimps. They come in sterling & gold filled. I used the 2x2. Here's a link to one source for them.

Thanks...I use solid 14k or sterling crimps and crimp covers (Gempacked, Stuller, Rio all carry them). I would imagine the tool would work on the solid gold crimps...I might have to give this a try, as I use crimp covers, but they can get dented (especially the sterling ones) if not done just right.
Sunseeker--I know that having you make this necklace for a friend and for such a special occasion is wonderful. I thought that I would pass on to you that Riogrande has a FWP, fourteen strand one online for $76. You might be hard pressed to make it for that. Search for Hepburn 14 strand necklace. Just a suggestion...