I'd like some Pearls


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Before I stumbled across this forum, I knew there were real pearls, fake pearls, and less valuable pearls. Wow, am I ever confused now. I've decided that this is my "Year of Jewels" and am going to get a few nice pieces of jewelry for myself. Pearls are on the list. I guess I officially have pearls already.

As a teen (looong ago), my parents got me a nice pearl necklace and stud earrings which were perfect for a teen. I still love them, but even I can tell they are low on quality. Then about 15 years ago my husband got me a pretty set of Majorica "pearls." We like to call them hand crafted. He was on tour and I think every Marine wife has some Majorica pearls.

My "teen" pearl earrings are tiny. With a little plastic ruler I would say they measure at 4mm. They are cute, but small. My "handcrafted" ones are big. Again, with my little plastic ruler, I think they are about 7mm. They have a thick gold base rather than a post going straight into the "pearl" which makes them appear even bigger on my ear. I'm thinking 4mm is too small for me and 7mm too big.

So, then came my "Year of Jewels" into action and I decided I wanted real pearls. Nice pearls. I decided I was going to get some Mikimoto stud earrings first and then I'd think about a necklace. For any of my "Year of the Jewels" purchases I will be saving a little money (my allowance I give to myself for such things) each month so I have to plan well. I definitely want nice and can save for a few months, or more, if I have to. But I also want them wearable. I want to wear my jeans and look nice with my pearls and not have to worry about toting around a fortune in my ears or around my neck.

So here I am, writing way too much, to ask for help in knowing what I should look at, what might suit me, and... if it really is ok to buy something like this online. I have never heard of Pearl Paradise, but I imagine a whole forum of people wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't a good option for making a purchase.

Silver, rose and ivory overtones? What? I don't know. Maybe silver.

Freshwater or salt water? Ummm.... (shrugging shoulders).... saltwater.

Akoya? Hanadama? South Sea?

Not the Mikimoto brand???

If anyone has read my tome here and has advice on what might work for me, I'm all (pearl-less) ears.

Hi Karen,

So---I'm thinking you haven't purchased either earrings or necklace yet. Your money will go further for excellent quality by purchasing from the online stores. Recommend you call and talk to the one you mentioned, as they are most helpful in evaluating your coloring and helping you get a suitable size for your face,etc. They also have excellent return policies, so if you don't love what you purchase, it can be returned or exchanged. Also they can help you understand the overtones, so the necklace and earrings will match. I feel you will be pleased with the fine quality pearls you can purchase on even a modest budget!

South Sea pearls might be too large, but the Akoya in AAA or Hanadama could be just right!

Good luck and let us know how it works out!
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Hi Karen -

I would go for quality, not just the company name. It doesn't really matter which type/color you start with - you'll love the one's you choose AND you'll be back for more! So dive on into the pearl pool, the water feels fine!

Thanks so much for the advice! I think I'd be very happy with some Akoyo pearls as I like the classic look and a white pearl. As for overtones, I think rose would probably look best with my skin tone, but I might go with the silver overtone since I read that it's a good neutral for any skin tone. The world of pearls is a very enticing one. I'm looking forward to building my collection, but it will have to be slow and steady. Thanks so much for the replies.

Hi KarenF,

Shop around and also look at ebay. I am an eBay seller as I have not set up my own private site yet, but even when I do I will still sell on eBay. Ebay can be a great place to buy and a great place to get bargains. Do be careful though and if you spot something on eBay just ask us if they are a good buy, a bargain or a rip-off. The internet is a great place to find some wonderful bargains, both from shops and eBay shops. You do have to be careful with all purchases but if a seller has a good feedback on eBay chances are they keep there customers very happy.

I hate to say this as it sounds racist, which I am not, but as a newbie to pearls, do NOT but from Chinese sellers. They take stock photos instead of selling you the item you see and only one in 50 or so will satisfy you. Dicey to say the least.

At the same time I am going to apoligise to all the honest Chinese sellers online ebay or not. If you are honest and delivery what you give photos of them I would love to buy from you. Finding a really good Chinese wholesaler is hard and I would love to get a regular one I could trust and buy from on a regular basis.

So Karen, back to your pearls. Take your time, learn about them as you are doing here and then start buying. Before long you will of course become totally hooked on pearls and it is a real addiction. :(

I realise this is your first buy but do remember prices range from very little to high (when sellers realise what they have) so I am including a couple or 3 links. Not trying to sell to you as I really have know idea what you really want. But these items should give you an idea of the different prices and qualities that are out there in cyber land in my shop alone -

Will include one photo because we all love photos. Well I do anyway. This is a necklace which I consider every bit as good as many Mikimoto necklaces. I did actually have this clean but I missed a couple of pieces of grot which do tend to hang on and only show themselves under high magnification. Can't remember if I cleaned it again after but as I always clean before posting not too fussed although I must get around to it.

Use these pearls for comparison. I think it is a good overall idea of Akoyas and FW pearls.

Item number: 310294298265 Akoya
Item number: 310294331117 Pastel vintage Akoya
Item number: 310225349369 Exotic naturally coloured Exotic Freshwater pearls which are in no way inferior to Akoya SW pearls.
Item number: 310294217065 Vintage Akoya pearl necklace but on eBay called Antique because that is the way eBay works. Price difference is to a large extent in size of pearls. Of course absolute quality & clasps comes into account in a big way too.

Good luck with your first purchase and all the others after, which there are sure to be.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 - natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover.


  • A my too Akoya graduated.jpg
    A my too Akoya graduated.jpg
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You have gotten very good advice here. I will only add: Pearls are like potato chips you can't just have one. Have fun with your frist choice.