ICPGC - Pearl Guide Ruckus!

Ahh, it looks like you all had a wonderful, incredible time! I'm so sad I missed it, but it turns out I was doubly right to back out — aforementioned mother crisis, now quasi-resolved, and an unexpected trauma for my host-friend in LA, a Treyarch employee who was passionately immersed in a project that was canceled that week. Airline let me turn the ticket into a credit, fortunately.

Very, very sorry and ashamed I didn't give the planners much warning about cancellation, though I know they all had everything well in-hand anyway. Definitely mustmustmust make the next ruckus! :)
I doubt it would be an annual thing. It is rather cost-prohibitive, not to mention disruptive for business. Fun though. If we ever do have another one in LA I will do my best to get there. But I can always visit LA on my schedule. HK would be nice, though I think less people would be inclined to attend. I don't think I would go especially just for the trade show unless it coincided with my travels - just been there too many times and I'm not in the business, more for interests' sakes. I'll be there in Nov this year, all my travel for 2010 has been planned.
Dear boo - sorry to have not responded earlier, but Octavia and I have both been rather busy. We are off to an enormous trade fair in Melbourne on Thursday afternoon, so I have her hard at work at the moment labelling strands.

Truthfully, she was a little teary at your beautiful verse.... she is a touch homesick, so I am keeping her busy to occupy her mind (??!!!?) for now...

Will send pics from Melbourne... hopefully she will be feeling more ready for the cameras by then!
A busy mollusk is a happy mollusk. I'm sure Octavia is in good hands with you, Nerida! Give her a hug for me. And good luck at the upcoming trade show!

"Auntie" Nerida, please tell Octavia that Mommy misses her mollusk. <sniff> ;)
Octavia and I have both been rather busy - she is a touch homesick, so I am keeping her busy to occupy her mind (??!!!?) for now
As The World's Largest Pearl Information Source, it will come as no surprise that bivalve consciousness and feelings have been fully discussed here at Pearl-Guide.

The laboratory of life appears to be in full swing?
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As The World's Largest Pearl Information Source, it will come as no surprise that bivalve consciousness and feelings have been fully discussed here at Pearl-Guide.
yes, I thought that... hence the question marks. Perhaps a whole new debate?
Shall I say though, that Octavia seems to have a rather developed consciousness (except of course at the airport lounge after too many glasses of merlot).
(?too many glasses of merlot).
It's a shame those airport lounges don't serve more naturally-sourced Spanish red wine, especially from the Tempranillo variety?wines our most famous producer, Alejandro Fern?ndez (an international icon in the field), refers to as 'wine for the clear mind.'

Octavia may have missed the red wine from Alejandro that we served at PP last weekend. I won't let that happen next year.
Condado de Haza (is that right, Steve?)

Definitely one not to be missed ... like the 30-year Balvenie of Spanish wines!
What a wonderful thread! You guys have made history of sorts with starting this tradition of a "pearly ruckus". I have just seen all the photos and it seems like you lucky pearlers who could attend this event had a truly great time....it shows on your faces. Wish I could have joined too.....but seeing the reports and looking at the photos is something too. You and your pearls look amazing! I wish I may be able to join you guys some day as well....:-)
A lot of people didn't come to Tucson this year partly because Strack's lecture was Sunday at 1pm-

I actually think Las Vegas can handle a gem show better than Tucson and tickets to and fro are so often very inexpensive as are the hotel rooms. I's hot there in June, much hotter than Tucson in Feb.
Woohoo.... Vegas would be fun.

The Spanish red at the ruckus was indeed spectacular.... lucky for us Octavia wasn't drinking that night...
Expect a mollusc update. She is "coming our of her shell" so to speak... she is sitting busily in my office again today and we are expecting a special visitor. Stay tuned.
Woohoo.... Vegas would be fun.

The Spanish red at the ruckus was indeed spectacular.... lucky for us Octavia wasn't drinking that night...
Expect a mollusc update. She is "coming our of her shell" so to speak... she is sitting busily in my office again today and we are expecting a special visitor. Stay tuned.

Is Octavia getting lessons from the master? ;)