I would like to know what kind of pearls


New Member
Jul 11, 2016

I would like to know what's the origin of the freshwater, american, Scottish... of this necklace please $_86 (1).JPG$_86 (2).jpg$_86 (2).jpg?

Hi Marie: What can you tell us about them? Where did you get them? What size are the pearls in mm? What did the pearl who had them before you tell you about them?

They look a bit like 1980's or 90's rice krispies (old style Chinese freshwater pearls), but I could be very wrong.
Please, if possible retake photos on white paper towel or cloth, and answer the questions BWeaves posed. The clasp is an older style, and it would be helpful to see exactly or you tell us what the stampings are. In some cases we can tell what the pearls are most likely to be, but only a lab can identify if they are naturals vs cultured.

It's an interesting and lovely necklace for sure!
Please, if possible retake photos on white paper towel or cloth, and answer the questions BWeaves posed. The clasp is an older style, and it would be helpful to see exactly or you tell us what the stampings are. In some cases we can tell what the pearls are most likely to be, but only a lab can identify if they are naturals vs cultured.

It's an interesting and lovely necklace for sure!
The inscription is 9k JKa
The necklace is not mine, but I am considering to buy it. I want to know what's the value that it might be really and origin. I have several pearls necklaces, but I am not a specialist.