I want to know.. What started your Love of Pearls


New Member
Dec 24, 2016
I will start!
I have always had a love of nature and how things are formed. Rocks, unique plants, fossils.. you name it. I find it fascinating. Unfortunately, pearls never ran in the family so I didn't have any exposure to them until recently with the awful pearl parties. After getting past those I found you awesome people and in an incredibly short amount of time I have learned an incredible amount of information.
I personally have a love of mabe pearls, white saltwater pearls and those South Sea Golden pearls I just recently saw on here. Right now I only have a rice pearl bracelet but I have some silk, needles and strands of pearls on the way to me!
I would love to know what started others love of pearls and if you have a favorite piece what it is! I don't have a favorite piece at the moment because ..well.. I just haven't been around them long enough to find one :)
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There's a similar thread that many have posted on which you may enjoy reading:

It started very early for me. My mother had taken my brother and me to see Santa at a local park. The Santa had wrapped gifts he was giving out, boys got one type and girls got another. (It was the early 1960s! Forget gender-neutral gifts.) I got a strand of fake pearls, which I absolutely loved. I was basically hooked from then on!

I do not have a favorite piece. I love them all!

Oh, and to edit your title, Edit Post > Go Advanced.
That's kinda awesome! I only ever got those little candy canes! hahahah
I'm not sure what got me started on pearls. I remember loving them even as a child. They were pretty. And they felt good on, like velvet. I loved everything from Victorian dog collar chokers to the long long ropes worn by flappers. And that's back when I thought pearls only came in that pinked white color and only came in one size.
from a book" 20000 leagues under the sea", mentioned the pearling in Mannar
I was amazed by the description in the book about the pearls, "a pearl worth ten million"
Well, Gulf of Mannar doesnt produce that kind of giant pearls, very famous for pearl fishery though.
Oh, books! We had to read The Pearl by John Steinbeck in grade 7. That surely fed into my fascination with pearls.
It was when I learned that pearls were not all round and white. So, just a few years ago when Chinese freshwater pearls flooded the market. Even then my first purchases were dyed pearls. It took me a while to learn to recognize and appreciate the luster and orient of the finest pearls.
Lol I like how it says all the baroques
I love baroques and mabes and all of the weird shapes they can come out like
My jewellery obsession started with a love for coloured stones about 4 years ago.. Then a couple of years ago my mum returned from trip from Japan with Mikimoto earrings for my sister and me. That was it, my love for pearls began! It started with a preference for white, round pearls. Then metallics and fireballs caught me eye. Then I got my first Tahitian and I've been Tahitian obsessed ever since!
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A few years ago, I wanted a set of grown up pearls for my anniversary. It just seemed like I should finally have some, for some reason. I got a nice strand of white freshwater pearls and matching stud earrings. I had no idea I'd then want the rest of the pearls in the world too. :p
I saw a pair of small grey freshwater studs when I was a teenager and saved for several months to be able to buy them. Another two pair of small studs came along but it took buying a FW strand marked as Tahitian for $75 about 6 years ago to bring me back to pearls.

- Karin
Pearls are such lovely, glowy jewelry. I had some nasty rice crispy strings back in the 80's (those fellow 80's folks will remember!, we all did). They looked great with a tan and dressed everything up. White chalky wonky things. Back then, it was rice crispy or nothing for working class high school girls. It started there and could really go nowhere but up :)
For me, it was a pair of sterling silver chandelier earrings set with FW button pearls (in my early 20s). Until then, I'd only ever seen standard pearl studs or single strands. They always seemed so formal & dressy to me, and as someone who'd always gone for colored stones, I'd never taken much notice of pearls. (I have an April birthday, and disliked my birthstone - diamond - growing up because I thought they were boring! I'd have much preferred amethyst or emerald.) But then I see this beautiful, unique pair of earrings that looked even better on, and an appreciation for pearls was born! Once I discovered FWP naturally came in different colors and were easily attainable, I was hooked.
My fiancé (now husband) shopped for pearls on our first trip together to Hawaii. He surprised me with a beautiful strand of WSS 8 mm pearls from Kona. They took my breath away. The fact that they are organic and naturally occur beautiful without enhancement is captivating. I am constantly amazed the the wide variety of pearls (and more recently available), their history and allure. They like a beautiful smile, light up a face!
Pearly-Whites, I'd love to see a neck shot of those lovely WSS if you're up for it!
I was on a cruise ship quite a few years ago, and there was a featured jewelry designer with necklaces of very baroque Chinese FW pearls. The findings were 18k gold with semiprecious jewels in between. The designs to my eye were fabulous with fabulous prices to match. I ached to buy one, but I knew that I could probably duplicate the designs at significant less cost. The next gem show in Dallas, I went shopping for FW pearl strands. I remember the shapes of my first strand were very baroque if not tooth shaped in their oddity. I've moved on to the Edison's with their soft metallic colors and rounder smoother shapes.