I think I just bought fake South Sea pearl earrings. HELP!


New Member
Mar 16, 2018
I bought these from eBay. Ugh. Not from China. They were described as 15mm SS pearls set in 14kt white gold. AND I paid $600. I own several strands of pearls. Akoya and Freshwater, but no SS. So I don’t know if SS pearls have a different “feel” to them than the others. Pearls just have a certain “feel” about them. These don’t have that feel. These feel like marbles. They are EXTREMELY HEAVY. I am also suspicious about the “14kt gold” setting as it appears antiqued looking, or more like sterling silver. My other 14kt white gold is different. These pearls are suspiciously very round. I would have expected them to be not so round at this size for *only* $600.00. I can see “pitting” and other irregularities. But those can be manufactured. Looking at them through my magnifying glass, the surface appears to be bubbly? Not a grown, cell type structure. Rubbing the two pearls together does not create any gritty resistance, except only in a few locations. Same with the tooth test. The surface is quite smooth feeling. However, I am not a pearl expert. What do you think? Thanks. E7FE1A9F-5A82-49ED-8F22-E729261CB2AA.jpg89CFB149-1489-4456-B7FB-C27B4B35EFE6.jpg9F216950-8AED-4544-8DD7-FF1AA8D261CE.jpg
Thank you. That makes sense. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe they’re fine, and I’m just suspicious by nature. Do you think mine look coated?
Were they described as shell pearls? Those are faux and would be very heavy. I’d suggest maybe taking them to a jeweler who sells pearls and compare them (or have them take a look).
I don't think they look coated, and I don't think they look like shell pearls-- nor were they described as shell pearls. They have the blemishes typical of genuine pearls.

But by all means take them to a jeweler who actually knows pearls (few do, in my experience.)
No. They were described as: 15 mm White Round Philippine South Sea Pearl Stud 14k WG: Pearl #1: 3 very light fish bites

Pearl #2: 2 pits, 4 light fish bites

Overall, this has good facing, nacre and luster is good. Round shape

The 14k white gold settings I used were custom made. We used (4x more, at least) more gold than ready made posts and backs. These are sturdy, with good care it should last a lifetime- you'll be passing these pearls to your daughter or granddaughter.

The 15.07 measurement is very conservative. Since it's already set, I could not make an accurate measurement end to end. But I think these pearls are at least 15.3 mm.

These are the 15mm pearl earrings you've been looking for :) don't miss it!

Please look at the pictures carefully. Ask all your questions before purchasing. I have been burdened before with paying PayPal reversal fees for customers who "were not sure" or thought they were otherwise. Please be considerate.

AND, if you are in doubt, do not buy. No haggling, no low-ball offers. Offers to transact outside eBay will be reported.
I agree with Pearl Dreams, your earrings are probably genuine South Sea pearls. Those type blemishes would be consistent with that type pearl. Perhaps you can sell them, if you don't want to keep them. Or have them made into pendants?

Grittiness is often subtle. I prefer to rub 2 pearls gently against each other. The grittiness is most noticeable when you change direction.
Thank you so much, Pattye. Since I have tested the gold and examined more closely, I am thinking they are authentic as well. I will keep them if my jeweler agrees. They really are quite stunning. The settings are heavy with nice backings to hold the pearls up in their proper position.
I'm so glad to hear you think the earrings are stunning; I was concerned you didn't like them. The backings look perfect, too, substantial. I use large backs of about 9mm, but they don't have that stabilizer loop. I want to try this style as I have one earlobe that is extra thin, sigh.
@Pattye, yes, I love the look of the earrings. They are big and bold. The setting and the backing support them very nicely. I don’t think the flaws would be that noticeable. They are the “look” I want. That being said, I still want to be sure they are real. @lilliefuzzysocks, yes, you are seeing exactly what I am seeing. The nacre to me looks funny too. It has a “bubbly” appearance. Not smooth with a blemish here and there. And there is something in the “feel”. It’s hard to explain. You know how when you touch a real pearl? They just have that feel about them? It’s a cool to the touch, earthy feel? I can’t explain it.
They look real to me. I would enjoy wearing them without worry, especially since they are what you wanted. Isn't it great that they used the supporting backings? :)