I need some advice please.

Perhaps you could contact Kari Pearls or The Pearl Collector and see if either wants to buy them?
When people ask what their pearls are worth I often suggest researching "sold" prices of similar objects-- because ultimately the only monetary value an object has is whatever people are willing to pay for it. (An object no one wants to buy has no monetary value, though it may have a great deal of emotional value to its owner.)

Since natural pearls are not abundant, it might be hard to research recently sold examples of pearls like yours--but you can look at what similar natural pearls are listed at on the websites I mentioned. Then remember that to make a profit, the vendor would have to buy them from you at a lower price than they plan to sell them for.

Sorry that I can't provide a better answer. Maybe someone else has more experience in this.
Thanks again, but I am trying to establish a starting point for the sale.
I have contacted Kari pearls to begin with.
That's understandable.

In the absence of any information on how much such pearls have sold for in the past, you could make a personal decision on what the least amount is that you would accept for them-- just to have a number in your mind. This represents what they are worth to you, to keep them. Think of it as a reserve price, such as one might set in an auction.

I could see them being set as a bracelet-- undrilled-- in a prong setting.
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