i have customers!


Mar 28, 2013
of course, i should actually open my etsy shop, but still...

made this set on commission for a friend's birthday (wish i had a better photo - after her birthday i'll get a good photo ON her!):


have another one to do in the next couple of weeks. all because i'm wearing around some teacup necklaces on waxed linen (all together with my pp tahitian tincup, natch). nice.
You should have even more customers after word of these pieces get around. I love the blue pearl in there, nice pop. Any chance of a photo as worn?
thanks all! i will get photos after she opens her present....the birthday in question is wednesday, so i'll make her send me a photo/let me take a photo. :) i should have gotten one on myself, but i didn't think of it until too late.
juliebeth, it's beautiful! Very light and feminine <3
the waxed linen only works well if your bead holes are large enough - they don't have to be huge, just larger than the usual pearl drill hole size. and it gets EVERYTHING a little sticky, which i was worried about, but it seems that once you're done working it, you've worn off enough of the sticky to have everything be just shiny and perfect. love the stuff, after an initial "i hate this stuff" period. :)
The pieces you made for your friend are just lovely! Looking forward to the neck shots!