I got the blues - from Cees


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
Just received this strand from Cees yesterday. These are Tahitians with two golden Fiji pearls for accents. I was not expecting the reality of the intense blues! (With some purple, some silver, some green-ish - typical Tahitian color magic.). Knotted them up immediately with teal Beader's Secret. So thrilled with these! They're larger than my others, so nice justification for yet another Tahitian strand :rolleyes:


I may shorten it just a bit, but will wear it around as-is for awhile.
Beautiful!!! I don't have mine yet because I was going on vacation so he is waiting to send them. I love the colors!
Those are fabulous, Cicadalady! They look gorgeous on you.
Oooh, I love these ones! What size are they? They look big! I love your radiant smile when wearing them))) good purchase!
Thanks for the kind words! They are large. They range from 11.84 to 13.97, according to my calipers. I smile a lot - people tend to smile back which makes everything better :)
Absolutely stunning!! Cees has a great eye for colour.
Not only the color, but look at the smooth surface of those pearls. They're gorgeous. I like the length.
I like the size and colors, and I love your smile! We all need more reasons to share smiles and receive them in return.
What a gorgeous necklace! The size, the luster, the clean surfaces, the colors ... just incredible ... Congratulations :)
They are stunning! I would be smiling while wearing those too. The length looks great - how long is the strand?
cicadalady, that strand is stunning on you! I love the addition of golden Fijians with your beautiful Tahitians pearls. The best part is you look so happy wearing them!