I found a purple pearl in a clam I was eating-The Quahog Thread

I read Knotty's article early this morning. I knew it would show up on PG, but I was sure it would be the couple who found it, trying to hawk it. :eek:
It's a neat story, at least. :)

The real question is, what do I have to start eating to find a Tahitian on my dinner plate? :D
xeresana said:
It's a neat story, at least. :)

The real question is, what do I have to start eating to find a Tahitian on my dinner plate? :D

Right On!!! :D
I figured I'd scoop Jeremy by time zone differences alone, but Blaire! You must have been at the restaurant! Yup, it was cooked. It was in a plate of steamed clams.

"Dinner out with your wife ... $40.00 plus tip."
"Trip to dentist after biting into priceless pearl ... $1,200.00."
"Finding out priceless pearl was cooked ... now worth $5.00!"
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LOL! It was steamed, so maybe it was not cooked so much as to damage it. I'm still waiting on their first post, asking for an appraisal or a buyer. Maybe they can join forces with Charles? ;)
I have no doubt they'll show up here. Shhhhhhhhhhh! Everyone! Hide behind the couch and when they post, jump up and yell, SURPRISE! (I like SO wanted to say, everyone hide behind the conch, but I didn't think we'd all fit!)
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knotty panda said:
I have no doubt they'll show up here. Shhhhhhhhhhh! Everyone! Hide behind the couch and when they post, jump up and yell, SURPRISE!

HA! :p

Actually reminds me of one my Daddy found in an oyster about 30 years ago. He brought it home to me and I kept it (I THINK)...

*wanders off to root through old rock collection*

I'll be accepting sealed bids if I do indeed find it. Opening bid is $25,000. :D
jshepherd said:
I wonder what dark hole that jeweler pulled the $25,000 valuation from.

At least Matlilns was wise enough not to place some crazy value on the pearl again.

Dark hole! How funny! I seem to remember hearing somewhere about a GIA graduate in Colorado Springs, I believe, who specializes in non-nacreous pearl appraisals. Even gives expert testimony. Now what was his name ...
"?a rare, iridescent purple pearl."

Rare certainly, but it isn't purple (a rather sickly pastel if anything). Neither is iridescence a property of calcareous concretions. Can't tell from the photo regarding any redeeming flame character.
i have one a purple pearl

i have one a purple pearl

well i am not the couple on tv with there lucky find but a couple of yrs ago at a resturant here in boston i too almost chomped into a purple pearl.well anyway my wife said mine is more purple than there picture it seems to have a cross perfectly centered maybe from my tooth lol. my question is what would u do if u yourselph had one of these pearls? personaly it can sit in my draw forever as a conversation piece but if it could make a decent price i am interested. any help or advice here in boston i ask you experts.
They were on TV? :D Slow news day, huh? Truly, were I to find one, I would do just as you have done, keep it as a conversation piece. Then, after overthinking the design, I would have it made into a ring. But it better be a really deep, deep purple for me to do that. The size wouldn't matter as much as the color. It would be extremely rare to find a gem quality pearl in a restaurant. Gem quality meaning color, shape and size. Basically only a collector would be interested in a pearl of that calibre.
Anyone who reads this thread through will not think their Quahog pearl is worth much. You really can't wear them. the skin is brittle. I think the the one in the bottle is the safest bet for wearing.


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Wasn't this pearl discussed on the forum before it received so much notoriety? I believe I got an email from the finder asking about value. This was just before the natural pearl craze hit. I had no idea how to value such an oddity.

Little Rhodie is my home state and though I have consumed a large number of clams I never saw a quahog pearl. Just the same, Matlin's estimate of value seems a bit absurd though marketing has made many a silk purse out of many sow's ears before now.
Hi Richard.
Are you speaking of the Victorian pin with the 2 fairly large quahog pearls? That one fell out of the news, either because it did not sell and faded away quietly--- or it sold for far less than first promoted....

The ring above is in private hands and I don't think it was ever up for sale. I can't iimagine that a quahog pearl would be worth as much as wearable natural pearls or conches- they are inherently risky to wear, ESP as a ring.
purple pearl

purple pearl

well the women from vermont e mailed me and wants me to get the steamed clam purple pearl sized and e mail her. my question is this i have tried to take some pictures but for some reason this purple pearl is very hard to get a accurate picture. any one have any tips.
Another purple pearl: Mexico West Coast!

Another purple pearl: Mexico West Coast!

Mexico! Found while eating steamed clams. Everything I've read says they're only found in Atlantic waters, this is definitely local (Sea of Cortez). These clams are small, only 1.5 inches. (You get a plate of 70 clams for $8 at Jorge's in Kino Bay!) My pearl is dark purple, looks like a mini M&M, only 3mm but uniform. I described it to Anthony DeMello GG (GIA) of the National Gemological Laboratory by email, he said it might be worth "thousands". Is he full of $hit? I find it hard to believe after reading all the criteria here: size, lavender color, round, cooked etc.