I found a purple pearl in a clam I was eating-The Quahog Thread

I never heard if it sold. If it did, it did not make headlines anywhere so it must have been sold for a fraction of the original price- or it is still not sold. I think it was Antoinette Matlins who had the inside track on that.
If it had sold on ebay, it would help establish a market price. I agree this is excessively high priced. This one is pretty, and a good size, but very light colored. It is far more than I would be willing to pay for such a fragile kind of pearl.
Update, Sea of Cortez Quahog pearl

Update, Sea of Cortez Quahog pearl

Tourmaline / diamond ring 3

5 years after I posted of finding a purple pearl in my steamed clams, I still have it. JUST now bought a gem cage on Ebay for it, after Caitlin reassured me that it probably wouldn't be harmed by rolling around in there, found a cage that's small enough to minimize rolling.

Here's the cage: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pick-a-Pearl-ROSE-Sterling-Silver-Pearl-Cage-/301520649869?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item463407fe8d

And here's my blog post about my pearl from back then with photos: http://barbilou.blogspot.com/2010/03/pearl.html

Will update after I receive my new cage. I'm just gonna wear that pearl!
Thanks for updating us! I enjoyed reading your blog post and look forward to your very pretty purple pearl in its cage. Wear it you should! I certainly would!
Hey Barb,
Thanks for the update and looking forward to seeing the pearl in its cage! That is a good cage - much prettier than most. I doubt it will bang at all.

It's been the better part of 10 years since you found the pearl, it's about time to wear it!
Thanks for sharing your story! I think it'll turn out beautifully and you'll be able to wear your personal pearl treasure!
Clams Casino, one of my favorites. Take a dozen "cherry stones" them's small tender quahaogs for you California types. Bread crumbs, a bit of olive oil and a square of bacon. Broil for a few minutes under high heat...delicious. Oh, and remove all pearls before broiling.
Thank you very much. I found a quahog when we were digging for clams to use as bait for fishing. It is an uncooked pearl, straight out of the waters of the intercoastal waterways in St Petersburg, FL. It is a full cm in width, nearly perfectly round, and a nice deep, dusty lavender color. I have had it since around 1990 and have NEVER had anyone able to tell me anything about it, much less its value. Recently started looking into it again, learned it was a quahog pearl....now to find someone who knows its value. Just spoke to a GIA certified individual locally who said he's seen them run anywhere from $10 up to about $900 for exquisite quality. Hung up the phone immediately! Shouldn't have even waited that long...when he asked me how to spell quahog. SMDH.purple pearl 3.jpgpurple pearl 2.jpg1374129847654.jpgpstrand
Welcome. Kris,

Great that the pearl is uncooked and deep color and about 10mm size? A pearl is worth what someone will pay for it. Here is a reputable source for comps and they do also say they buy pearls. The Pearl Collector Of course, it is a very cool collectible if you want to keep it. Or you can make into a lovely ring or pendant.