I finally get the Tahitian love

What I like about the akoya keshi is that the Tahitian pearls almost "float" on the white strand. Maybe you can do the opposite with the Tahitian keshi and put big white pearls in-between. :)

I think that's what I love about it too! Good idea for Tahitian keshi and white pearls. I only have a mini-strand of the Tahitian keshi, I'll have to see about getting a couple of full strands.

Pics coming in a moment. I do think I prefer just the akoya keshi and circled Tahitians.

Lisa, no Tahitian lover here, LOL. I do have a Moroccan husband, though, he's pretty exotic. Does that count? ;)
Battah - Oh, yes- do tell! although the Tahitian Lover sort of goes along with the sea, the sun, and the sand, whereas you guys are right now sharing the short days and the cold with me, soooooo.....maybe you'd better keep him.
Oh wait! You weren't actually offering to share, were you... Oh well.
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Lisa, that made me laugh! When I first started dating him, a couple of my girlfriends actually asked that I share him with them LOL. So you're not the first one there, haha.

Ok here we go, new iteration of the necklace. I think I like the first version more, though I want to add a few more Tahitians in different sizes (these are crappy cell pics, FYI):

I laugh so much at your post I nearly choked on my morning coffee:-) Now i giggle evrytime i see this post !

I too liked the 1st version better . Really like this necklace!
Hehehehe :D I'm telling you, we have standing rules here - one is always to have a handkerchief or tissue close by if reading PG while drinking coffee. I forget the others.

In all honesty, I'm still reading the title as Tahitian Lover, and am still waiting...for the thread to heat up.;) (Probly not going to happen. This is such a PG Site - Sophie, now I've got the giggles. I made such a bad pun, and who knows if other countries even have ParentalGuidance ratings.)

Battah's friends wanting to share cracked me up.

Sigh. :eek:Reality (>Battah) says There is NO SHARING allowed! :eek: We're all girls together on this!:D

Oh, ahem, back to business - I love this version of the necklace! You must have both.
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Thanks! Hmm I wouldn't mind having both ;) Now the biggest problem I'm having is actually listing stuff in my shop. I want to keep EVERYTHING lol.
That's what I'm thinking. I feel like adding in the Tahitian keshis takes away from the beauty of the akoya keshis.
I like this version too, but would have LOVED it had I not seen the first version...if you know what I mean. The uninterrupted stark whiteness of the white keshis contrasting with the larger darker Tahitian baroques was just too striking, I suppose!
Am immensely enjoying Lisa's "lover" comments and gigging here by myself...:D
Oh dear friends, it just had to be said! I stifled the Impulse to remark upon it for 3 whole days, if you'll notice.
Oh dear friends, it just had to be said! I stifled the Impulse to remark upon it for 3 whole days, if you'll notice.

Well I for one missed your remarks :)

Gem show today, Lisa, I thought of you yesterday when I was mapping my route!
Thank you! I've got your suggestions keyed into my phone and am grateful for them. I'll just miss the Winter gem show in St Petersburg also, but try for the Spring. (God willin', and the creek don't rise).

Pearly Education on the Move. Happy hunting, Battah!
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Thanks, doll! It was fun. Though I'm definitely learning that the gem shows in my area really aren't the place to buy saltwater pearls. The Tahitians I saw were yucky. I found a few nice freshwaters, though, and got some odds and ends to finish various projects that needed things.
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Beautiful! I think the keshi's highlight the tahitians, too - I can see why it's a favorite! (your ring is so pretty, too!)