I dont know!!!


New Member
Jan 4, 2014
i dont know if this is real or fake
this is is gave me by my grand mother
thank you!!! 20140105_022719_resized.jpg20140105_023252_resized.jpg20140105_023214_resized.jpg
Hello morriphel24,

Welcome! That certainly is an interesting looking necklace. Do you know any of the history behind the necklace? Like about when it was gifted or purchased? The photosx are a little blurry, so the details are not as clear as they might be.

Are there tiny beads between the larger beads? The necklace looks to me to be of carved conch shell beads. Conch beads can have a mottled look with ivory and pink. These are not pearls, however.

Could you please take a few more photos, on a white paper towel, and use the macro (little flower) button on your camera. Please take a photo of the clasp also.

How lovely to have a special piece from your Grandmother! A true family treasure!
Maybe this is ivory necklace!! My mom tell me this pearl lol!! This one is very old!! The mother of my grandmother who is the owner of this necklace
I hope you can get better pictures. So far they look like beautiful carved shell beads. :)
Mmorriphel, if you can't get any closer, say with the macro setting (little flower), can you take a photo with a coin or ruler so we can get an idea of the size? Marianne, you are right. They certainly could be coral beads, but they look fairly large.
Thanks guys!! I post it later ,time to sleep 5:14 am heheehe here in Paris! ! Thank u so much!! Have a nice day everyone
this one