I can't wait!!


New Member
Feb 25, 2007
Hello, I'm from Singapore. I just wanted to share a little of my excitement 'cos I can hardly contain it right now! Please bear with my somewhat longwinded story. Oh and I'm sorry if I've put this in the wrong section... I just didn't know which category I could fit this in.

I had a strand of freshwater pearls which my mother gave to me in March 2006, when I'd just graduated and started working. She'd bought them when we went on a vacation to China in 1999. These were approx 5mm in size and slightly buttony shaped. I didn't have matching earrings to go but they looked so pretty just on their own. I loved them and wore them nearly daily.

However in late 2006 I notice that the luster of the pearls had almost worn down. It looked terrible and I stopped wearing the necklace altogether. So I was pearl-less for quite some months.

It was only last week that I'd decided I was desperate for my old pearls. I really missed wearing them. So I discussed this with several colleagues and friends. Many of them directed me to local jewellers, whose pearls were either (now that I've learnt some from your website) A+ quality, or AA quality... and they went for S$100-300 (approx US$70-200) per necklace. But I thought it was time I invested in a set that would last me some years and were quality. So then I was directed to Mikimoto. But Mikimoto was crazily expensive. A colleague had gotten a set, approx 5mm for S$1000. But she's really petite, about 4'9". I'm 5'1". (And now I know that S$1000 went mostly to the clasp!)

Unfortunately here in Singapore, pearl-information is not readily available, and whatever you can get your hands on, it's always skimpy, and biased. So if you were to buy pearls you'ld go for extreme ends of the scale. Most people here still think that only deep/south sea pearls are good, Japanese is good, freshwater is bad, China is bad. And I was one of them.

Having some experience with online shopping I sought out the next best thing to having a pearl expert on hand; to search out a pearl forum! And I found this place. It started out as just simple reading on what types of pearls there were...

Anyway thank you all for having this website, I think I'm lucky to have started my search off here, rather than other pearl forums... thank you for being so transparent and unbiased.

I'm looking forward to my Freshadamas!

Thank you, thank you, thank you ALL!!!
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Hi Sweetfrock,

Cute name! It is nice to see someone else on here from Asia. ;) I just joined this month too, and I have become addicted to this site. I also ordered a stand from PP. Just a note, it make take a couple days longer than you are expecting because they have to verify the credit card number before they ship. It is an extra precaution PP takes because of credit card fraud. There must be a big problem because other sites do it as well and some won't ship to Asia at all. :mad: But that is ok, because PP is the one I was most interested in anyway.:D

I ordered the 7-8mm dyed black AAA strand. I already have a beautiful Akoya 17inch 8mm, an a double strand of chinese CFWP, so I wanted something black. I saw some rave reviews if Jeremy's experiment with the dye, and it seemed to thrill eeryone who ordered a strand. I really wanted the 9-10mm, but it was sold out. Anyway, I am pretty excited too. I keep checking the Fedex site for tracking updates.

I guess I do expect one huge downside. As I expect I will love the pearls(and already have a growing obsession), my tastes will moe on to more expensive strands. I am already eyeing a few. *sigh* I think I need to bigger pearl budget.;)
Oops, I meant to include this before. I wouldn't worry about the pearl size. 7-8mm seems to be the standard size for most women, especially as a first necklace. Plenty of time to move up. heehee I am 5'3" and don'T know if I would go above 9-10mm anyway. I am just not sure if I could pull it off.

But I hope to...someday.:)
I'm sure that size will look great on you. 7 - 8 mm is classic. Plenty of time for those larger sizes down the road. It would be very fun to hear what your friends and co-workers think of your new pearls, so please post their reactions!
Hi Sweetfrock,

There's not much pearls in Singapore compared to other Asian countries, no?

I haven't really scouted for pearls in Singapore but have you tried Chinatown? I usually cross over to Malaysia to shop since the prices are 1/3 cheaper.
Hi Salem, lovely to meet someone from Japan! I agree with you on the black CFWP... it would be a treat to get that, but as much as I am quickly getting obsessed with pearls, I should wait and enjoy the freshadamas first. Thanks for informing me about the shipping, the extra days will soon pass quickly. Do they mail you the tracking number on the package?

Youngster, yes I'm looking forward to seeing how the freshadamas compare with the akoyas... I'll update you on that!

Perlas: you're absolutely right! There are some shops in Chinatown selling pearls, especially in the People's Park Pearl Centre (so aptly named). I'll go take a look there sometime. The only thing is my lack of knowledge about pearls would mean that I will have to listen to what the sales assistants has to say about their wares. That part is a bit of a concern to me. I'll look around the shops to get an idea of what's on offer though. Thanks for the headsup!
Hi Sweetfrock,

Just an update. I did get the tracking number and checked it often(somehow I got excited with each movement). I had noticed this moring it had arrived in Narita for customs. Yay...in Japan!! Then I got a call from Fedex with some questions about the receipts. I think everything worked out and they will arrive TOMORROW. I feel like singing the song from ANNIE. lol But the email Mia Mesa sent me had a delivery estimate of March 2nd. So two days early. Can't wait. I will let you know what I think.

Caitlin, thanks for the welcome. I have read a lot of your posts on beading and am starting to get that itch too. What a slippery slope. Fun though!
Hi Sweetfrock,

Do not fully trust what the sellers say in Chinatown and People's Park. Bring your freshadamas, carry it with you when you buy pearls so you can see the comparison and thus know what you are buying. Incandescent light will show the pearls at their best so sellers use them. If you can try and candle the pearls at a light source, do so in order to see all the blemishes and/or bleach marks. A lot of blemishes and bleach marks are masked by pearls with great luster.

Anyway, there are black dyed pearls there that look great. If they do not cost much, go for it! Look at Caitlin's black klonks, they look great. :)
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Hi again,

Just wanted to let you know I am wearing my pearls as I type. :) I started a new thread under freshwater pearls to describe my reaction and add a couple questions I had. Can't wait to hear about yours Sweetfrock, I bet you'll love them.
Thank you Caitlin, I'm glad to be here :)

Perlas, I went around Orchard Road looking at the pearl shops... these shops mostly sell gem and pearl jewellery with ropes and ropes of pearls. I looked for baroques and klonks... but they were in the range of S$150 onwards. And they were dyed blue, green, pinks, greys... mostly freshwater. Perhaps it's because they're catered for tourists. I'll take a look in Chinatown this weekend. But you know, I've just received my freshadamas and I don't recall seeing anything like these in the shops that are comparable. :eek:
Orchard Road is the most expensive shopping area in Singapore. Sometiimes, you can haggle there get the prices down to half! I doubt if you can find the freshadama quality in Orchard or anywhere in Singapore for that matter.

For cheap gemstones, I also check fou lhou shou building near suntech.
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perlas said:
Orchard Road is the most expensive shopping area in Singapore. Sometiimes, you can haggle there get the prices down to half! I doubt if you can find the freshadama quality in Orchard or anywhere in Singapore for that matter.

For cheap gemstones, I also check fou lhou shou building near suntech.

Orchard Road is really expensive but it's convenient for me during lunches so I was looking through the shops to aid what I'm reading here, with real-life examples. As for freshadama quality, I went pearl-windowshopping today and saw some pearl earrings in a store off Orchard Road, it had some really pretty pearls, very good luster, water and orient. They were akoyas, and so I took out my freshadamas to compare, but mine didn't look as clear. The lady commented that the freshadamas looked chalky, and I actually saw what she was saying. So I'm confused now.
Hi Sweetfrock,

I see what you mean about the scratches, especially in the third and second to last shots. Couldn't really make out the dull spot though, maybe because of reflection from the flash. I thought the pearls photographed beautifully. I can't imagine what the saleslady meant by chalky since they seemed to be swimming in colors to me. I have read on here that the main difference between freshwaters and Akoyas are that Akoyas do have that mirror like quality. Some people really love it, some people don't. I have read that the Freshadamas have a softer glow to them. There is a great forum called "show us your pearls" on here that has a lot of posts of pearls, some from PP. I will see if I can find the thread and post the name for you. It has some incredible pics in it.

Well...I found it. Don't know how to add the link though. Go to the "Show Us Your Pearls" forum and find the thread "some of jerin's pearls" The first post shows a custom Freshadama double strand and later a double of Akoyas. You can see a bit of a difference, although I find both stunning. Salespeople seem to want to make their own product seem the best, so I am not sure how much to trust what she said to you. Is it just the scratches that boher you, or is it what the saleslady said? If you prefer the Akoya luster, I would exchange them for what you want. If Jeremy doesn't see these posts, please write him. I am sure he will help you out. Maybe some of the experts here will drop by and give an opinion of your photos. Good luck!
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sweetfrock said:
Orchard Road is really expensive but it's convenient for me during lunches so I was looking through the shops to aid what I'm reading here, with real-life examples. As for freshadama quality, I went pearl-windowshopping today and saw some pearl earrings in a store off Orchard Road, it had some really pretty pearls, very good luster, water and orient. They were akoyas, and so I took out my freshadamas to compare, but mine didn't look as clear. The lady commented that the freshadamas looked chalky, and I actually saw what she was saying. So I'm confused now.

I would try rubbing that tiny scratch with a soft cloth. It looks as though it is a surface abrasion.

Your strand is definitely a freshadama. I actually checked that one before it went out. Mistakes are very difficult to fix with International orders.

With the Akoya pearls what you were seeing was surface reflectivity. Akoya pearls do not, cannot, have orient or water. But they do have a ball-bearing like reflection. This is, however, an enhanced effect. While the freshadama will not have that ball-bearing like reflection, they have something that the Akoya do not. They have depth, and that is where the orient comes from. The reflection comes from within the pearl, not the surface. To some, the Akoya is more beautiful. To others, it is the freshwater.

As for the chalky comment, that was just a salesperson discrediting the nicest freshwater strand I am sure they have ever seen in their life, trying to sell you pearls. As a loose-pearl-quality matched strand, it is impossible to buy in hank form.
Oh! Thanks for the fine pictures!

God knows what 'gem quality' pearls are... but those in your picture sure do look great. Very impressive. :cool: Would hope that some day Freshadama will get the honor to be represented by at least as good images, it's the greatest luxury on the Net - great pictures :)

Correction welcome about my interpretation of the 'gem pearl' label, but to me it sounds like 'old mine emerald' and 'pidgeon blood ruby' - not a precise definition that could be translated in scientific measurements and exact standards, but a fancy way to say 'as good as it gets'. With precious stones, it is quite difficult to get to see the whole range of quality possible, so there is some mystery involved in the grading of the best. I would call 'gem' the most remarkable pearls I have ever seen or heard of and not pretend to make a 'standard'. When someone does, it rises a red flag, as much as I am concerned :o

Would imagine that the return policy is a way to please both camps: the one that doesn't see fault with a little pinch and patch as long as the background is gorgeous, and the perfectionist crowd. ;)

And no... don't ask competing sellers for their opinion. I could tell some horror stories - really bad. Not everyone does 'scare tactics', but it is really unpleasant and asking folks you do not already have a very good reason to trust can lead to tasteless behavior.

I don't know what more to ask from freshwater pearls (or cultured pearls, in general) than what you are holding in the picture. While not a fan at all of the ball-bearing look, I have seen nicer natural pearls that could be described as slightly more translucent - just a few in impressive old jewelry, never a whole strand of them. For me, the difference between the fabled natural ones and the cultured is least for top freshwater. To me, the nucleated ones are an entirely different thing, with their own merit - extremely impressive in their own right, but a different story.

My 2c (a fan, not an expert).

If you don't like what you see, maybe it is just that you prefer the look of nucleated pearls... why not. There's a long run between 'chalk' and what you are holding, unless the images are unrealistically flattering for the pearls. Maybe you would like the brighter baroque pearls better... Seeing is believing.

PS: Could be crazy, BUT - who would stand to loose from a publicized grading range of pearls? If GIA can't make money out of it, it can't mean that no one in interested... Unpleasant scare tactics would be banned to the back water they belong to. A freely accessible high standard would single out the ones that shy away from it.
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Dear salem, Jeremy and valeria101, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I had a look at jerin's freshadamas compared to her akoyas and I do see what you all meant by a mirror-like and ball-bearing quality. I recalled seeing some of the strands at that lady's store which really did look like ballbearings, sort of glassy. They had orient too, but not as much depth.

I took too much of that lady owner's word for it when she commented that the freshadamas were chalky since her pearls are reputed to be superior in quality to mikimoto (highly recommended by my colleagues) and supposedly very knowledgable in pearls. I'm sorry that the consumerism part of my being got the better of me!

The freshadamas do have a lot of depth; and to me it makes the pearls look more mysterious. They are a beautiful lot; I just didn't have a basis to determine just how amazing they are. It just shows how much more I have to learn about pearls :o :o :o
Oh, I am so glad to see your last post Sweetfrock. Glad to see you happy again. They really do look like a beautiful strand. Although I have been in a similar boat when I bought something I loved and then someone I consider more-expert verbally dumps on them. It can be very disheartening because it makes us question our own judgement. Now, personally I don't agree with comparing Akoyas with ball-bearings or calling them PPB's. I find good Akoyas to be very beautiful. But there is another thread somewhere where Jeremy posted a poll to have people guess which were Akoyas and which were freshwater...most people thought the freshwater were the Akoyas. So it really is a matter of what speaks to you. Since you took such wonderful pictures, I hope you will post one of you wearing them. Would love to see them on.

What I seem to be more interested in now are the longer lengths(opera and rope). Jeremy, if you don't mind telling me(or privately messaging me), what would a 36 inch 7-8mm Freshadama run? What about 48 inch? And opinions please, how long of a rope can a short woman get away with? I am only 5'3". And would 7-8mm be the best size for a longer strand for me? I don't want to look like a kid playing dress-up. :eek: