Hiow to prepare silk before knotting
Hiow to prepare silk before knotting
Hi all members and guests,
I am just so surprised to hear to which lengths you all go in order to stretch and prepare the silk before knotting! I use many different types, Gudebrod?s champion silk as well as Powerpro, Detolon, Ceramic Thread and Silkon, most of these materials I have in different thickness sizes.
Power Pro is a fishing line, the feel is like dental thread minus the waxing and it is smoother in its roundness than dental floss.
When using silk I never do anything at all, possibly I wax the beginning of the thread to get it through the needle eye, if using stiff needles.
Just as Sueki says, colour and different spools of the silk can act differently, sometimes I?ve had troubles but I do pull the treads apart when making the knot and it never has happened that the tread has been broken.
Besides that, once you can knot you don?t have to prepare the silk, which I think is unnecessary work as you can restring any strand if need be! Considering the knotting as a fun job, I don?t mind the extra job and money if I have to buy some more spools.
Power Pro is a bit hard on the fingers but it is very easy to get the knot exactly where it belongs, that can be a problem with the silk sometimes. The worst problem as I find is that the silkthread does split up in the different threads, which makes is very hard to slip it through the eye of the needle and despite waxing this can be a time consuming process!
As for dark pearls and Powerpro: there is the mossgreen thread and as the knots are very neat and small, they do not disturb the whole strand, i.e. you won?t think of the colour as it melts in with the dark pearls. Power Pro comes only in white and moss green as far as I know.
To all who knot with only one thread: do learn to work with double thread, it holds better and I have a feeling that it might be easier to get the knot right next to the pearl, which is good for the look of the necklace.