How much would this Akoya worth?

Rarity is not a factor because Japan is still producing a larger volume of Akoya pearl than China. The cost of production is higher because the cost of doing business is higher. The majority of production is within 1mm of 8mm.
Anything smaller than 8mm is almost certainly going to have some Chinese production. This lowers the cost on a factory level. This is the level that determines real market cost. Because anything over 8mm cannot really be subsidized by Chinese production, this is where the prices increase more than incrementally.
So it is not an artificial price increase, it is based on real costs. At 8mm and above, you see the reality of market pricing in Japan.
jshepherd said:
Rarity is not a factor because Japan is still producing a larger volume of Akoya pearl than China.

Oh, ok, thanks for that. I guess I assumed the Akoya volume in China would be higher(although smaller sizes), in fact, I thought much higher. That is where I thought the rarity factor came in. oops!
Dear all,

Thank you for information about shell pearl. I have purchased this triple-strand Akoya necklace. The real one looks a little bit, less perfect than the photo that the vendor sent to me previously. Anyway, it is beautiful and I like it. I will give this necklace to my Mom on her birth day. I hope she will love it. (I live in Denmark, but my Mom lives in Thailand).

The vendor told me the nacre thickness is around 0.5 mm (each side) and the pearls come from China. I also took photos of the necklack as shown in attachments. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.



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Hi Tanakarn,
Such a lovely gift, it looks beautiful! Your Mother will be thrilled!! And no doubt what you have learned about pearls will serve you well in the future also!

so many pearls, so little time
tanakarn1 said:
Dear all,

Thank you for information about shell pearl. I have purchased this triple-strand Akoya necklace. The real one looks a little bit, less perfect than the photo that the vendor sent to me previously. Anyway, it is beautiful and I like it. I will give this necklace to my Mom on her birth day. I hope she will love it. (I live in Denmark, but my Mom lives in Thailand).

The vendor told me the nacre thickness is around 0.5 mm (each side) and the pearls come from China. I also took photos of the necklack as shown in attachments. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.


Hello, Tanakarn
they necklace does look very lovely, have you measured the pearls so You know for certain they are larger than 8 mm? If that is the case it would mean there are some Chinese farmers that must have mastered the art of producing larger sizes... Anyway, if one does live in a scandinavian country, the jewellers normally are above cheating their customers, I think your vendor has been inquiring very thoroughly if he was able to give you the nacre thickness, otherwise he would not have been able to tell you this as well as that the pearls are from China... Your mother most certainly will be thrilled to receive such a lovely gift from You.

Thank you for all comments. People in this forum are so nice and very friendly.

Inge Jernberg: I have carefully measured the pearl size and they are 8-8.5 mm. I bought this necklace from one online vendor. I think the vendor have not measured the nacre thickness (I guess they just estimate it). Could anyone please tell me weather they look like pearls with 0.5 mm nacre (each side) or not.

Have a good weekend,
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Dear Tanakarn: While I am anything BUT a pearl expert, I don't think you need worry about the nacre. The pearls are beautiful and show a lovely, reflective quality that doesn't appear in pearls with a thin nacre. Your mother will love them.
Hi again Tanakarn,

There is no way to tell from a photo, really, the exact nacre thickiness. As Knotty says, they are pretty and reflective like they should be.

The important thing about Akoya and all pearls is correct care, for us women to not spray them with perfume and hairspray, wipe down after wearing; store properly; those things that are discussed freely on another thread.

Please let us know your Mother's reaction when she receives the pearls!

so many pearls, so little time
Hi every one,

Sorry, it takes me so long to post photos of my mom with the pearl necklace. I gave it to her on the mother day (she is Thai). She was surprised and she firstly thought they are fake pearls. A couple minutes later, she knew they are real pearls. She smiled all day and worn it often sine then.

I have purchased a high-quality loose FW pearl (10 mm, white with pink overtone). When I compare it with the AAA Akoya, I cannot see the difference by naked eye. This clearly tells me that the best FW is comparable to best Akoya. So, my next purchase would be Freshadama.

P.L. Dose anyone know when will 10-11 mm Freshadama form PP be available again?

Thank you
Tanakarn Monshupanee


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They look absolutely lovely on your mom. What a lucky mother to have a thoughtful child like you!:)

Hi Tanakarn,

they look stunning! You could email a private message to Jeremy at Pearl Paradise about the Freshadamas! Good luck!
Hi Tanakarn,

Your mom looks very happy and the pearls compliment her skin tone well. You clearly care much about her and it is extra special that you are into pearls as presents!:)

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Finally! I thought you forgot about us! They're gorgeous! I knew they would be. And I knew she'd love them, just like she loves you! The best of health to you and your mother.
Almost too good

Almost too good

tanakarn1 said:
Here are Bigger photos

It is almost too good and to have three matched necklaces. I'd have them in hand before I let them ring up the sale and then I would only do it with a GIA or AGTA certificate supplied at the time of sale. If you charge you have some recourse if they are not what they are perported to be. Meet the sellers at a bank. Some banks will let you transact the sale there. I've doing this along time and 3 strand like this are NOT COMMON and for this kind of change you need a certificate.
Hi there-

What, exactly would a certificate tell you? That they're saltwater pearls? They have a rose overtone?

GIA and the AGTA cannot establish Origin, and they will not measure nacre thickness on pearls unless they are Hanadama. Nor do they measure luminosity, test for treatments, etc... I think spending close to $200 to have the Gem Labs tell you so little would be a waste of time and money.

T- Those look great on your mom, she must be totally pink with joy! I would be!! She's very lucky to have a daughter like you! I really like the clasp, too- very elegant.:D

However, I was a little confused about how the seller can know for a fact that the Akoyas in question do have .5 nacre thickness. The only entity that I know of that measures nacre thickness is the Pearl Science Lab of Japan, Tokyo. They ascertain nacre thickness in part of the Hanadama certification process (Hanadama pearls must have at least .4 on each side of the pearl to qualify.)- does the seller have a lab cert detailing the pearls in question?

Thank all of you for your massage. You guys are so nice and friendly.

In my opinion, it is good to have a certificate if you are not sure about your pearls. Anyway, if pearls were purchased from a company with high reputation (like from companies in this forum), it should be OK.

knotty panda: How can I forget all of you. I love this forum and come here often :)

Ashley: The vendor does not have an equipment to measure the nacre’s thickness. I think they estimate by naked eyes (perhaps, they might look at the hole where pearls were drilled). By the way, I like the website of your company and I am a son not a daughter :o .

All the best,
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