How Do I Restring a Half and Half Strand?

Catmom, your bracelet turned out perfectly! What a great discussion with so many suggestions! I've puzzled over how I'd do this, but have never actually done a black/white combo.
Thank you pattye. Thankfully with everyone's help we figured it out.
I’m just going to pop this pic here….just completed an asymmetrical double strand with white and black threads. Pretty happy with the result!

Started with pearl #5 (leaving end 4 pearls off), and threaded all the pearls on up to the colour change with no knots. Repeat with the other colour. Knot the two colours together, thread back through and knot each pearl back towards the end. Knot on the last 4 pearls.

Great discussion to get the thinking caps going!
Wow, that turned out great. I'm impressed. It's hard to knot double and triple strands and have the pearls nest correctly, and you did it WITH a color change!!!!
A double color change, fabulous!