How Did I Do?

Finally. Here is neck shot. (If it takes you a looong time to get things done, it takes me twice as long as that...) It looks a little washed out in this photo, but not IRL.


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That's big! And pretty! I bet you feel you did very well :)

- Karin
Yep, love it, and I love finding a great deal. Good thing I don't find a great deal every day, cause I can't resist, and I would be living in the streets (but I'd have the best jewelry).
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Love your pics of you in the pendant! Beautiful!!!

It's very pretty. I have a pregnant friend who holds her tummy above and below just like that - in a caress. :)
Aaahaaa Alex, I had my eye on that piece since I first found her. I'd love to get a couple more from her, but I have been a baaaaddddd girl and buying so many pearls lately. I really have to give it a rest. But, nope, I NEVER listen to my practical self. There is ALWAYS one more pearl that speaks to me. I just can't stop. I am lost...... :)
Don't worry, I haven't bought it :D so........... you could STILL !!

If you like SoC - I have an earrings thread running under 'Show Us Your Pearls!'

had a quick peak in you Album - and... I think you've been hiding your light under a bushell (or whatever that expression is) I spy a very LARGE (8.5-9.0?) Hanadama in there - just lights up the whole place - kind of leaves you speachless......
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Oh, you are the Alex that got those for your wife? I am EXTREMELY jealous. I have several SoC pieces, but have not taken photos: a couple of sterling mabe pearl rings, sterling pendants, and in my Albums on PG, I have a couple of larger single SoC pearls that I have made into dangle earrings. Can't get enough. They are stunning pearls in person.

And yes, I LOVE my Hanadama and yes it is 8.5-9. Purchased it from Yokota-Pearl in Japan. They are the pearls of a lifetime for me. Here is a link to his website: Wish I could afford more of his items also. Absolutely stunning in person.
I'm back.. and Jewljunke, it's gorgeous (and you have such a lovely neck... sigh!)

I was so enamoured by your tendrils and SoC mabe pendant, I just got me one of these. Here's the poor cousin (abalone shell) to yours from ebay:


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    munting playa, puerto galera
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Adeline, no poor cousin there.... I love the rose bud on the tendril. And I am such a fool for all gemstones (well, except Iolite), and abalone is facinating. One of my favorite shapes is the tear drop or pear shape for pendants, so graceful on a woman's neck. Speaking of which, thank you for the neck compliment, but in person...nope...old neck. But, like they say, getting old/being old is better than the alternative.