How big is too big? (A PSS problem...)

I'm glad to hear your opinion on those 15mm ones. They are truly gorgeous! I love the silvery white with blue and pink..fabulous. And, it makes me feel better for not selling those 16.4mm ones for studs lol Far too big I think...but I did think they would make marvellous rings.

Those white Freshwater are amazing! The size is perfect ...The colour is perfect! (on my monitor they match really well ) Do you mind if I ask where they came from?

I love the white studs..but they now look small hahaha
I looked like a frog/chameleon with round pearls bigger than 10mm, and sold the pair of CFWP 12-13mm rounds I picked up from HK a while back as they did not suit me.

However, I can wear button shaped ones as big as 12mm, and picked up a nice inexpensive pair when I was in HK last year when I visited my family.

DK :)
Thanks for the links! The eBay sellers don't ship to my country so I'm still looking. Will try asking PP if they have those plastic stabilizers since I just got some stuff from them. Otherwise the shipment cost isn't worth it I think.

And here are the pics! I have to admit that I do waver in thinking about returning these 15mm giants but when I see those blue and pinks I just go weak at my knees. They won't make good dangles cos they have some blemishes? Plus I don't wear big dangles. I find them even heavier cos of the earring findings.

Here are the blue giants in the box, with my 'dumpling' pendant, against ssp strand and drop earrings, and on my hands in case they will become rings

Close up of 13mm fwp buttons against the real ssp. Like I mentioned earlier, can't really tell the diff based on color or luster from a distance
Close ups showing how blemished the buttons are on the bottom n the super button shapes. Doesn't bother me tho cos they look fine from the front

And the ear shots. Top row is the 15mm ssp n bottom row the 13mm fwp
Oh Icy the 15mm does NOT look too big on you at all - it looks PERFECT!!!!
The blue looks amazing. They are from Rakuten? I've never bought anything from there before. But they look gorgeous on your ears
Wow, I thought those would look huge on your ears, but they look just right.

I must be suffering from PSS.
They're buttons! Now I can see why you would say rings, but they look terrific on you.
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Wow I really love the SSP pair, the hint of blue and pink overtones add a bit of something to them. Also button is perfect as they don't stick out too much.
IcyJade I really like both pairs on you. I think you should keep them both ;) One goes well with your strand and the other matches the pendent.
I think they look fabulous! They aren't too heavy ? That's always been my concern with the giant ones..and they have a great Button shape .. a nice big flat spot makes them sit really well. I think if they were 'less button' with smaller flat spot that they might be harder to handle. Maybe not ... but it seems like that would be the case.
I'd keep them as long as they are comfortable...they are gorgeous and who cares about flaws on the bottom ! Definite winners! Keep them both!!

And PD - thanks for the link !!
Actually the blue ssps aren't very buttony. So they shouldn't look bad as rings I think. And thank you for all your encouraging comments! I dunno why the 15mm studs look fine in the pics but alarmingly outlandishly big in person. Maybe cos irl the studs really 'pop out' cos they are so round. 2d vs 3D effect?

Kalmen: yes from Rakuten. There are some beautiful pearls on that site but the translations can be dodgy.

Bweaves: I'd always suspected PSS is contagious...

Pearl Dreams: you are a sweetie! Thanks!

Katbran: the 13mm studs are very button n not heavy at all. The 15mm studs are nearly round n I do feel the weight. Haven't worn them Long enough to tell how long before it gets really uncomfortable.
