Hook and Eye Claps?


New Member
Aug 13, 2018
I was always afraid of hook and eye clasps coming undone; I think I equated them with toggles and I have a love/hate relationship with toggles. Then I got my Catherine Cardellini necklace and fell in love with her hook and eye clasp. I love the way they look, and they suit my style very well. I want to put one on a bracelet, but am a little nervous. The beads are a good weight though and my understanding is that as long as the bracelet fits snugly there should not be room for the clasp to come undone, especially if the end of the clasp is tight.
I was wondering if any beaders here have experience with this type of clasp....Love it? Hate it? Have an intense fear of it? I tried a ball clasp which of course looks polished and elegant but honestly my style is more rustic and woodsy than polished and elegant so it feels a little out of place for me. Opinions very appreciated!
I find a toggle easier to use on a bracelet. The toggle has to be big enough to not come undone by itself. I don't have good luck with hooks.

Hooks stay snug if the bracelet is snug, but then I find it too hard to hook and unhook them. If they are loose enough to hook easily, they come undone easily. Naturally, it also depends on the hook and eye. Some are much better than others.
I find a toggle easier to use on a bracelet. The toggle has to be big enough to not come undone by itself. I don't have good luck with hooks.

Hooks stay snug if the bracelet is snug, but then I find it too hard to hook and unhook them. If they are loose enough to hook easily, they come undone easily. Naturally, it also depends on the hook and eye. Some are much better than others.

I should maybe re-visit toggles. I had a toggle watch as a teen I loved and never had an issue with, then I had a toggle bracelet that irritated me, and I got my mom a toggle watch she loves but she afraid to wear it in winter because she thinks her coat make might it come off without her knowing.
The claps (toggle and hook and eye) that I am looking at are handmade on Etsy.
I can't stand either toggles or hook and eye clasp systems - both come undone on me, whether necklace or bracelet. I may be an outlier though since my daily life is pretty active and outdoorsy.
I can't stand either toggles or hook and eye clasp systems - both come undone on me, whether necklace or bracelet. I may be an outlier though since my daily life is pretty active and outdoorsy.

I wish I could find a clasp that I really like the look of that are also very secure. Any ideas for rustic-looking gold or gold filled clasps?

Also I just realized I have a horrible typo in my thread title, can any mod fix that please?
I've never had trouble with toggles but lots of problems with hooks and eyes. The toggle has to be large enough not to come undone on its own.
I've never had trouble with toggles but lots of problems with hooks and eyes. The toggle has to be large enough not to come undone on its own.
I'm having trouble finding a good looking toggle with a long enough bar.....I really like elastic bracelets for this very reason but I wanted something a little more "finished". Maybe I should stick to elastic lol
As it seems you like a "golden look" for a clasp, you might check out bronze toggle clasps. The other trick about toggles, is the ending bead has to be small enough to pull up enough to get the toggle bar through the loop. This factor has caught me up more than once! when I find the shop I'm thinking of, I'll link it here. Others have had me use these clasps on necklaces and bracelets; they seem very well made. I haven't purchased any for my own use at this time.

Personally, I like some drape in my bracelets, which means to me, no hook & eye clasps. Plus if you have a heavier bracelet and a large lightweight clasp, the bracelet will roll and the clasp will be on top, which drives me nuts.
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As it seems you like a "golden look" for a clasp, you might check out bronze toggle clasps. The other trick about toggles, is the ending bead has to be small enough to pull up enough to get the toggle bar through the loop. This factor has caught me up more than once! when I find the shop I'm thinking of, I'll link it here. Others have had me use these clasps on necklaces and bracelets; they seem very well made. I haven't purchased any for my own use at this time.

Personally, I like some drape in my bracelets, which means to me, no hook & eye clasps. Plus if you have a heavier bracelet and a large lightweight clasp, the bracelet will roll and the clasp will be on top, which drives me nuts.
That is a good point about the bead being small enough....mine would not be so I am grateful you pointed that out.
I love the orbit clasps for a finished look on bracelets. Also fishhooks. I love antique fishhooks, many many pretty ones!
I will have to look at those orbits. And I do love fish hooks as well, Maybe I should look back at the one I have.

Yes, agree the orbit clasps can be a good choice; I use the rhodium plated ones. I'm not enough of a gold person to pay for karat gold clasps for myself, but happy to put on a custom piece.
I usually use gold filled which honestly wears pretty much like gold but MUCH cheaper. I wear both silver and gold though.
How I wish the gold filled process of bonding worked with more style clasps.

A smaller bead next to the toggle bar can often aleve the problem of a little extra room for the bar. But be aware it does add slightly to the length of the bracelet. I feel it is often more difficult to make bracelets than necklaces!
How I wish the gold filled process of bonding worked with more style clasps.

A smaller bead next to the toggle bar can often aleve the problem of a little extra room for the bar. But be aware it does add slightly to the length of the bracelet. I feel it is often more difficult to make bracelets than necklaces!

I agree, I think bracelets are much harder! Especially because I have kind of bitty wrists so if I spend too much room on a clasp I don't get to show off many beads. This is why I like elastic but I do enjoy the elegant drape of a knotted bracelet.
I like toggles with a heavy necklace but the bar needs to be long. Too many have a short bar and that's when you get into trouble. I dont like fishhooks or ball clasps... but sometimes that's what you have to use. I like the orbit type clasp, love the shape and lots of people make it in slightly different proportions so you can usually find the size you want.
I love the look and security of the Orbit clasps, but I cannot work them one-handed. They're fine for necklaces, but I simply cannot do them up or undo them with my left hand when the bracelet is on my right wrist.

Pattye: Those are cool clasps at Saki Silver (your link). I wouldn't mind those being on top of my wrist, which is how my bracelets roll. I like that the hole is small but the toggle is big. That makes it secure. But it does mean you need a bit of chain or small beads, so the toggle has room to maneuver through the hole.
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