Hong Kong Jewelry Show September 2017 and Facebook LIVE!

Lugana- great screenshot!

Cathy- It definitely can only be a dream for me as well for those specific golden ones. I may settle for something less creme.
I love these videos! It's so cool to get a look at everything! They won't be great for my wallet, though...
Oh my god the tiny vietnamese akoya keshi are killing me. I'm trying to justify getting a ton of them because I want to make lots of things with those babies (and end up keeping them all, ha!). Imagine henna-inspired pieces with those little keshi at the center of each flower. Or blue keshi petals. Oh my... How many keshi can one person wear? More is more, right?
Oh my god the tiny vietnamese akoya keshi are killing me. I'm trying to justify getting a ton of them because I want to make lots of things with those babies (and end up keeping them all, ha!). Imagine henna-inspired pieces with those little keshi at the center of each flower. Or blue keshi petals. Oh my... How many keshi can one person wear? More is more, right?

The beauty of tiny keshi is that one can wear lots of them!

These videos are great!!!
Finally on my way to HK. It couldn't just be a typhoon. Nooo, It had to be a super typhoon. :D
I'm watching the video from last night kind of slowly - looks like several pearl party people were on and said they were going to share the video on their business pages. I hope they don't give the impression that what the pearl parties are selling has anything to do with what PP was doing.
I'm watching the video from last night kind of slowly - looks like several pearl party people were on and said they were going to share the video on their business pages. I hope they don't give the impression that what the pearl parties are selling has anything to do with what PP was doing.

I'm hoping that if they continue watching the videos and notice the names "mermaid" or "unicorn" pearls were unheard of, maybe they'll learn something..

From what the colors sound like, I think Tahitians may be up their ally.
Travel Safe, Mikeyy!

NEVER too many keshi ladies :) (Well except the $8,000 worth; even I drew the line there ;)
Maybe the pearl party people will notice that NOBODY is selling oysters with pearls in them.
I second that request! Brady- we are not your age! We need SLOOOWER videos so our eyes can catch up, lol!

I have to take sea sick pills to watch videos on the computer and when they are fast, I can't watch at all SAD. Also, when filming live at PP, please film videos much slower, hold and please zoom in longer to see the pearls on the tables. I want close-ups!!!! Might purchase more!
To be honest I am extra angry and sad about the pearl party people because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mermaids and Unicorns!

I mean HELLOOOOO, I rock a mermaid oct playdate ring from Sheri, and my Eclipse the Unicorn has gone to live with Jeremy & Hisano and has taken PG by storm touring Tahiti, HK, etc! So I feel extra insulted that Mermaid and Unicorn has been butchered by pearl party people. :mad:

Ditto Purr. I hope they realized by the looks on everyone's faces when they kept asking about mermaids and unicorns that they don't exist (in the pearl world at least - hope springs eternal in other places!)
The videos have been a lot of fun! The internet isn't always cooperating, so what Brady sees as perfectly clear on the screen is at times a bit blurry, but we will sort that out before the next show in March ;)

Last night the annual JNA awards were held. Jacques Branellec Sr and Robert Wan both received lifetime achievement awards! We had no idea how big of a deal these award banquets were. It was like the Oscars!


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I want a better shot of that pearl "necktie." Perfect.

Do you mean the one Jacques Branellec Sr. is wearing? It's a giant, 20+ mm perfect gold South Sea pearl. I believe it's the biggest, most perfect gold pearl they've ever produced. It's really something.
Thank you Jeremy, for an inside glimpse of the pearl Oscars! Congratulations to Jac Branellec Sr. and Robert Wan on the well deserved awards.

Videos ... what's a little blur, a bit of grumbly internet compared to getting to tag along and ask $8,000 questions ? :) Thank You, Jeremy, Hisano and Brady!
Videos ... what's a little blur, a bit of grumbly internet compared to getting to tag along and ask $8,000 questions ? :) Thank You, Jeremy, Hisano and Brady!

Couldn't say it any better Cathy :). Thanks again Jeremy, Hisano, and Brady for giving us the chance. Look forward to Day 3!
I took videos of the awards last night too, but will have to upload those to YouTube later and see if they are at all viewable. It was NOISY!

We are headed back to the show in a few. We are going to do a shorter FB Live today because we have to get to work on the wish list and Brady is going to need some help after yesterday.

Little h might make a live appearance on her FB page today too:o
Do you mean the one Jacques Branellec Sr. is wearing? It's a giant, 20+ mm perfect gold South Sea pearl. I believe it's the biggest, most perfect gold pearl they've ever produced. It's really something.

Yup, that one!!! Even in that dark photo, that pearl was shining like a beacon.