Hong Kong Jewellery Show Hotel Deal


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I am not sure who is planning to attend the March show, but I negotiated corporate rates at The Mira Hotel in Tsimshatsui for our company and Pearl-Guide. It's the only hotel Hisano and I like to stay in.

If any members here want to stay at The Mira, here is the info needed:

Pearl-Guide Group Rates
118 Nathan Road ? Tsimshatsui ? Kowloon ? Hong Kong
T +852 2315 5666 ? F +852 2369 0972
This time around we're staying around the corner at the Luxe Manor, but maybe for the the June show we'll try out the Mira. I will however see you for a Scotch or three at the lobby bar ;)
I will be there on MArch 4 and 5 and pity I booked a hotel already on Hong Kong Island, but it would be fun to meet up again if possible.
Katbran, my wish, the Upper House now is about to be the best hotel in Hong Kong and the GM Marcel Thoma I still remember well when he was working in Bangkok. But for US $ 700 a night I can buy nice pearls, hahahaha