Hisano's ring from Jeremy


New Member
May 5, 2013
I know it was on the PP blog, but was there a thread here? I'm not having luck finding it and I wanted to ogle it again...
I don't know where the thread is, but I can help with a photo, as I took several photos of Hisano's ring with the purloined pearls. :)

Blaire Beavers Hisano Shepherd Ring
Here's the blog post about it-- I don't recall seeing a thread on P-G about it.

Well, heck, there is a thread, but there are thousands of threads! :)
Thanks! The best photo is the one on the GIA website (scroll down). It was nice to get the designer, Takayas Mizuno, some credit. It was also published in the journal Gems & Gemology as part of the GIA Gemological Research Conference in 2011, where Jeremy and I had a poster presentation on metallic freshwater pearls. :)
A memorable pearl for a fascinating woman. Both wear well! That really captures the color perfectly. Too much light blows it out.
That is a beautiful ring.

Such a wonderful story too. It was destined for Hisano.
I am late to the party :08:, but WOW. jshepherd, that ring is exquisite! OMGosh! What dreams are made of, and oh how romantic. So unique and gorgeous. Swooning.
Nice of you to revive this thread DonnaH :D
I saw this ring in person many years ago...just beautiful, but to see it again is quite a delight! And to have been part of the "purloined pearls" story just makes it more special. I will never forget this affair...weirdest thing ever!
CortezPearls thanks for sharing the story - strange indeed. But gosh that ring is amazing. Pearls are simply amazing. Finding that I can’t stop looking at them …. And the photos on this forum, well some just take my breath away! Toss in a unique story with it and I’m hooked.