Hillary's Pearls

I could not take my eyes off it! Are you sure it was keshi? I was hoping... with those charming tiny gold glittering bits.
It was gorgeous, looked like maybe Tahitian keshi and some gems, but maybe just wishful thinking on my part :)
They were definitely Tahitian keshi. I was about 10 inches from the TV during part of the debate just to see exactly what it was. They weren't very colorful, but were definitely pearls. The necklace had some gold "tags" that were hanging from it that I couldn't quite figure out. She also appeared to have a pendant (non-pearl) that hung either from it, or on a chain below it.
They were definitely Tahitian keshi. I was about 10 inches from the TV during part of the debate just to see exactly what it was. They weren't very colorful, but were definitely pearls. The necklace had some gold "tags" that were hanging from it that I couldn't quite figure out. She also appeared to have a pendant (non-pearl) that hung either from it, or on a chain below it.

I was also liking her earrings. She does wear a lot of really beautiful jewelry!
Yes, it was a bit mysterious. I saw the pendant-looking thing but no chain. I thought the two flecks of gold were delightful. Any piece of jewelry promoting pearls gets two thumbs up in my book -- and I liked this modern and unique piece, personally.
We have to get a sharp picture on here somehow. I find this choker to be charming and delightful. I couldn't keep my eyes off it.
She has an amazing collection. I find it distracting though because she always layers them over some kind of small gold pendant. It peeks out just enough to be visible but not enough to see clearly.
I love what I IMAGINE I see in this necklace :) is that a granulated gold bead, or clasp in the center? I think the chain and pendant might belong to something sentimental she wears all the time ... ?
Hillz is wearing WSSP in the debate right now! Along with that little pendant she always wears!
So cute ! Definitely the clasp and tag around the front ... wonder if it moved there or was meant to be there lol I like the cute little chain. Looks like pearls and maybe a 3/4 gold wrapped stone.. druzy? Definitely need more photos ... thanks for this one Wendy!! And a good point about using one's imagination..we can probably think up endless possibilities from this inspiration !