Help with Pearl Paradise vs Mikimoto purchase: hanadama vs A/A+ ???


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
Hi everyone,

I am shopping for my wife: we have gotten pearls in the past from pearl paradise (a freshwater strand of Freshadamas and a nice strand of AAA South Seas).

I am shopping on a couple of vintage forums and have seen various strands of Mikimoto pearls, rated either A or A+, at slightly higher prices than a similar natural white strand of Pearl Paradise in similar size and length.

What would be the Mikimoto equivalent to Pearl Paradise's Natural White Hanadama strand? Is the Miki A/A+ considered superior? Nobody is going to know the brand of pearl or whether they were purchased new or used: however, if a strand of Miki A/A+ is noticeably superior to the Hanadama at PP, I don't mind spending the extra $.

Emphasis on "notably". My wife's engagement ring is a AGS 000 cut but Si2 clarity and K color; when it came down to it, the difference between a VS2 and Si2 wasn't noticable to the naked eye; the I vs K color was barely noticeable, but the extra 1.5 carats due to the slightly "worse" color and clarity certainly are noticeable on her hand. She would much rather rock a 4 carat K color than a 2.5 carat I color with clarity that she can't appreciate without a loupe. If there really isn't a noticeable visual difference between PP's top quality and a A+ strand of Miki's at 2x the price, then I can just buy her a 35" strand from PP with the extra funds! She would love that even more.

What are your thoughts?
Good morning RoyalMustang, and welcome to our Pearl Loving forum :)
I hoping some of our dear forum members will share their thought with you soon!
Royal Mustang,

Personally, I feel this is an easy choice! Go with Pearl Paradise and a Hanadama double strand! What an absolutely amazing gift; your wife will rock her rope! With Hanadama, you have certification of nacre thickness and other qualities. A/A+ isn't Miki's highest quality, plus they will be pinked. With a vintage strand you are still paying for the name. Just my opinion, but they will not out shine Hanadamas.
Welcome Royal Mustang,

My two Pattye said, go with PP 35”in strand! She will have an amazing new Hanadama strand that will bring her new energy!
My opinion, go for the Hanadamas from PP. Here's a fun thing to consider, since you're thinking of a rope: Have the rope made into 2 shorter necklaces with compatible clasps, so they nest together nicely on the neck. Your wife can then wear one, or the other depending on clothing necklines, wear both as a dazzling double strand look, or connect the 2 into a long, luxurious rope. I have baroque white akoyas strung this way, very versatile, but I don't have good photos of those. Here's an example, in my own circled baroque Tahitians from PP photos. Have Fun; what a lovely gift your wife will get! View attachment 77667View attachment 77671
Cathy, your photos are not showing up. Maybe size them smaller and try to upload again?
That's really odd; Thanks Pearl Dreams. I can see them if I click on the Attachments, which is NOT the way photos usually show up. Let me try again! My baroque Tahitian strands from Pearl Paradise, to show clasps and setting. Can also be linked together to make one long rope. Pearl Paradise photos, as I'm hopeless with a camera.

Tahitian baroque pearl strands
Two nested Tahitian pearl necklaces
I have a rope of natural white Hanadamas from PP, which I bought when my sister inherited my Mom's double strand of Mikis. I like mine better. The quality is just as good, and they were less expensive. I have a certificate stating all the qualities of my pearls. I also got to pick my own clasp.
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That's really odd; Thanks Pearl Dreams. I can see them if I click on the Attachments, which is NOT the way photos usually show up. Let me try again! My baroque Tahitian strands from Pearl Paradise, to show clasps and setting. Can also be linked together to make one long rope. Pearl Paradise photos, as I'm hopeless with a camera.

View attachment 77672View attachment 77673

wow! Those are gorgeous!