Help with colours

Hello all! I have a question along these lines-- I'm blueish-pale, have very dark eyes and hair, wear jewel-tones well... basically a typical 'winter' color scheme. I wear no blush and only wear white metals because I like to emphasize the contrast... partially as a mini-protest against pervasive tanning in Texas. :D

Two questions:

1. I love purple and am very intersted in a lavender strand, which will probably follow a purchase of silver-toned white pearls, but many seem to be pinkish. Has anyone encountered silver-grey lavender pearls?

2. Has anyone here posted photos of Freshadamas with silver tones? I know akoyas are perhaps better known for the ball-bearing metallic white I'm thinking of, but I want a CFWP wardrobe before I even think of getting perishable pearls that might wear out one day.

It's not a requirement, just a preference. I can deal with looking a little less pallid from time to time-- I know I won't be able to resist the lavenders, even if the answer is no.
Regarding color dillemas I have to say a few words. There are some rules. But rules are here to be broken;) So whatever you say, someone won't like it because of personal prefrence and taste. In general (not just when it comes to pearls), people with light skin look best in warmer tones, while avoiding harsh contrasts (corpses have light skin with harsh contrasts:D). So, best choices would probably be peach/golden/rose/apricot... But that doesen't mean you can't wear any of the cooler colors. If such a person insists on wearing something blue, it's best if it's something purplish i.e. lavander, maybe with some rose overtones - those dark blue fwp's would be a no-no, and peacock tahitians probably wouldn't be a good idea either. If the person insists on something green, it's best if it's something lime(ish) and light. White or silver with warm overtones go without saying.
people with light skin look best in warmer tones, while avoiding harsh contrasts (corpses have light skin with harsh contrasts:D)

We the porcelain prefer a less historically-tainted term: "undead-American." ;D