Help requested


New Member
Sep 30, 2019
Hi there, I'm new to this site. I have an opportunity to purchase these, and I'm not sure if I want to do so. The person offering these has informed me that they were her grandmother's, are over 60 years old, and that she was a married to a diplomat, and thus travelled widely. She does not know where they are from, unfortunately. Any information anyone can tell me would be greatly appreciated. She is sending me more photos in a few more days, but these are all I have at the moment. A few are chipped, and I've asked her to send me photos of those chipped ones specifically so I can tell more. But for now, this is all I have.

Please can any of you tell me: what kind of pearls are these? Do you think they're roughly 1940s? They look like baroque freshwaters, maybe naturals, but I don't know. The clasp has gone missing, so I can't judge them from that.

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 22.01.02.jpg
They are probably baroque akoyas. It looks like they have yellowed quite a lot. The nacre tends to be irregular in these pearls, hence the chipping.
I'd skip this; they would not be durable.
Thank you all so much. I really appreciate all the help and advice. I'll definitely pass on it.