Help me pick

My first time making a purchase of this value, to be received via POST. I'm really nervous about it!

I know what you mean but don't get too stressed. :) In a few weeks you will get the pearls. Don't forget to post pics then!
I just got a parcel from the US delivered by USPS. They deliver to the door, if you are not at home, they leave a note, telling you they will come again the next day, probably the same time. If You don?t want them to do this, You can call the company and get it yourself. In my case it was from Bella Findings so I had to pay customs, VAT and fees. Earlier they delivered to our post office but now they have included also smaller villages into their delivery routes.:D.
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I can hardly stand the wait for the photos after all the participation and anticipation. We shopped together on this one! ;)
That is truly one gorgeous strand! I was never a fan for baroques, but P-G totally changed that. The orient is amazing, and I love the cute short little drop shape.
Gorgeous colors in that strand you chose! A treat just to see them.

Thanks for the compliment - let me tell you when I bought this strand I was far from being an expert but I looked and read and looked at different Tahitian strands on PP:s site until I felt I knew what was important for me when choosing...

Pearldreams: You perhaps are not talking of my strand? In that case please take a look at it on "Show us" and comment on it, thanks...

I think all of your strands look very nice. I always have preferred white strands to others but that Tahitian looks smashing! I think it will take you just a little time to get adjusted and then you will start to really love the colours in the different lightconditions!

Congratulations, all your strands are great, even the Miki, which has more luster than the freshwaters, that?s to be expected though (colder water gives more luster, takes a bit longer though with the coating)..
Inge, I did mean Bluepawprints, but I saw the graduated exotic + earrings you got from Jeremy and they are luscious! I recall you were wishing for the larger sizes so I'm glad you were able to get that.

Bluepawprints, so what if your husband laughs! I think they will grow on you very quickly. They are beautiful!

About rose overtones, they can be subtle in daylight. If you wear them to a jewelry store and lay your pearls down next to a similarly sized FW strand being sold, under the store's lighting, I think you will see a difference between the overtones in your strand and the store's strand. When I did that with my Freshadamas, mine looked ros? while the store's strand had a lot of green overtone pearls.
Thanks, jerin! Yes, will get used to the Tat, am not returning it (unless Dh comes home tonight and laughs or something drastic).

Do you think you could make out the overtone of the Mikis? I do remember the sales telling me when I bought it 4yrs ago, but I can't for the life of me recall now. I've just read that Mikis are often rose-tinted, but I seem to have a nagging feeling I chose silver? The overtone's not clear (to me).

Pearl_dreams is right, on the pics above the overtone does look more silver than rose, but in non-natural light you should be able to see it easier. I think most of the strands bought have rose overtone, it does look softer. But even if they are silver, so what! Enjoy them or if you absolutely must know - go to a jeweller?s shop and ask them to put up several Akoyas and then compare them side by side....
Inge, I did mean Bluepawprints, but I saw the graduated exotic + earrings you got from Jeremy and they are luscious! I recall you were wishing for the larger sizes so I'm glad you were able to get that.

Actually I was thinking of my Big Greys, the Tahitian strand. How do you like it? I must say I am very proud of it.:D
WOW they look great!

Ooooh, the 8-9mm is a great size for the FW. I'm saving up for some SSPs else I would buy a strand. And the tahitians are gorgeous! I can imagine myself wearing them... :eek::D

Hanadama = top of the line grade of Akoyas (not a brand name.) That's the name you were looking for. Read about this on the following page:

"Freshadama" = trademarked brand name for top of the line freshwaters from PearlParadise (other vendors here now have similar lines with their own trademarked names--Presidential and Elite are two examples.) These are loose/earring grade pearls which the seller drilled and strung, and have higher luster than the AAA, but not as high luster as top of the line Akoyas-- their luster is more of an inner glow rather than a metallic-like reflection.

Inge: I understand you now. Yes, your Tahitians are great too!!:D
Hi Bluepawprint,

Those all look just amazing on you! I especially love the baroque Tahitians! Sometimes a new strand is knotted tightly, it will relax as you wear it, or you can roll it gently against your thigh and it will relax also.

so many pearls, so little time
Dear BluePawprint,
If you are interested in the highest quality freshwaters, I recommend PP's Freshadamas. I have a 6-7mm white Freshadama strand that looks almost as lustrous as my AAA akoya strand (this strand looks very similar to a Hanadama strand). It's only $267 for a 18 inch strand or for a bit more get the 7-8mm strand for $315. I find the 7-8mm to be a great size for casual everyday wear. I wear my 8-9mm strands for more dressy occasions.

I think all three of your strands look great, especially the Tahitians.:)