help me decide


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2016
I got 2 strands of white or light colored tahitians, and I think they are similar enough that I will only keep one of them. If I keep both, I will have a favorite, and the other one won't get worn. I know which one I like better looking at them in the box, but I can't decide which one looks better against my skin. My pictures here are not very good, but I hope good enough to give an idea. The first one is:

And the second:

Thank you!
I like the second one more. More contrast, and in my understanding goes better with your hair colour)
I like the second one on you better. The overtones pop against your skin in that one, whereas the first one looks a bit dull on you.
This is a hard one to answer because I like them both. White body Tahitian strands don't come around often because they are rare. Silver you can find but not white body. They are both beautiful so keep the one you look at and go aaah.
I like the second one better, too. It pops more. I love the color and the shape of the second strand more, too.

I'm curious which strand was your favorite?

Want to know an easy trick to make a decision?
Whenever I cannot make up my mind, I flip a coin. Heads the first strand, tails the second strand.
If the coin "chooses" the strand I really like better, all's well.
But if the coin "chooses" the strand I did not like as much, I suddenly realize that that I'm going to override the coin's decision, and pick the one I really like better after all.
It's weird, but whenever I can't make a decision, this little trick helps me realize which one I really like better.
So, I'm not actually taking the coin's choice after all.
I like the second! But I do have a preference for blue pearls!
As for me - second lite gray. I don't like White tahitian pearls
Thank you everybody! The one I like better in the box is the second strand. I have tried the flip a coin trick in the past, but I didn't think of it this time. It does tend to crystallize your feelings, whether the first reaction is disappointment or pleasure. Sometimes I flip the coin several times until I get the 'right' answer, LOL.
BWeaves, I love your idea! I will have to remember it for future purchases.

It looks like you've decided which strand to keep. I would lean toward keeping both and connecting them together to make a rope, or wear them together around your neck. I think the contrast of the two colors is pretty and interesting. You'd basically have three necklaces with many different ways of wearing them.
Thank you everybody! The one I like better in the box is the second strand.

That worked out perfectly then, as I think it's the nicest of the two on you. It's a beautiful silvery-blue on you. The top is a little too creamy. I think you'd suit a more silvery-white version better.