Help me decide - size of strand


New Member
Nov 27, 2007
I'm getting ready to spend my stimulus check... (Hubby doesn't know that I plan on spending the entire check, duh! I guess I'll face the music later)

I am eyeing the Natural Multi-color Akoyas from TPO, 7.5mm-8mm or 8-8.5mm.
Here are the links:
7.5-8mm =
8-8.5mm =

Price-wise, the 7.5 is more in my price range. If I get the 8mm, I would probably have to use some of my own savings. But when I look at the photos, the colors of the 8mm looks a lot sharper. And I'm not sure if I'll be happy with the size of the 7.5mm.

many thanks,
Do you guys think .5mm is that much of a difference?
Dear Reiah:
If you think it's worth your risk financially, and your husband will be okay with it, it's definitely worth the money to get the larger ones.
Those blues are fantastic! The multi mix is out of this world.
On the other hand, 7.5 to 8mm akoya is very traditional and you'll never feel out of fashion with those.
Personally, I never ask my husband permission for anything. However, we agreed a long time ago to discuss anything that's more than a one hundred dollar deviation from our normal budget and I wouldn't give him up over pearls, however beautiful they are.
His favorite question these days? "Who needs ten pearl necklaces?"
My answer, "People do!"


PS I'm dreaming of a 9-10mm white Freshadama. Or maybe a 9-9.5mm akoya. I can't decide.
Perhaps I am not helping with this... but... a few threads back when these pearls were announced, TPO folks mentioned a mysterious 'gem' grade of these colored akoya. There's no mention of different grades online at all, so maybe you should ask what the options are?
Here is the post referring to gem grade. I'd contact them to see what you can learn about this option. One thing I have noticed in my own pearls is that the gem grade pearls really seem to leap off my neck they are so lustrous. And as much as 'bigger is better' in a lot of ways, the gem grade pearls can have a serious impact at a slightly smaller size. It's a balance game between size and quality, but I think that quality is almost always worth it in the long run.

Keep us posted on what you decide!
Great suggestions! I will ask Terry about them. Thanks!
I think the gem strands are worth the extra money, so I would go for a smaller gem strand rather than the regular ones. It's not that the regular ones aren't nice, but if you want something truly outstanding gem it is. The price difference isn't as much as you think but ask Terry as I got the last 8.5 mm.
I mentioned this to the hubby today and he said: "Get what you want, but I just don't want to know how much you will spend." So I'm going to wait to hear back if Terry has the gem quality multi-color akoyas.
The hubby wanted to get me LV bags since that's what "all his co-workers" get for their wives. Well, I'm not into bags, and I do love my pearls.

I'm also thinking of getting white freshadamas... Can't decide on the size... LOL. Maybe I should get a 7-8mm so that I'm not spending way too much moola in one time. Do Akoyas go up to 9-9.5mm? That'd be sweet too.

I'm just waiting to hear back from Terry now. Thank you all for your ideas!
Akoyas do go up to 9.5 mm, but you'd be looking at quite a few thousand dollars for any decent quality ... in my book, better off with multicolor gems that are smaller.
if you like the coloration on the 8mm compared to the 7.5mm, just call Terry and tell him that and I'm sure he'll find a 7.5mm strand that matches the color. Those are just 2 pictures of 2 strands, he has more then that ;)
This is actually a great discussion that ought to go under the "Pearl Care" thread, I think! This is great stuff for anyone looking for information about how pearls behave over the years in terms of luster and color, in different kinds of weather and environments....


everything or at least most of what you read has probably been taken up under some thread or other, that?s the way it is.. There are always newcomers and it can?t be expected of them to read all earlier threads/posts.:) However, as these matters are important I think it is good that they do come up again and again...

As for the fading of the pearls I think maybe all the whites and even coloured ones could "fade" if continually getting sun or UV-radiation from it (it would be interesting if there Have been done scientific investigations regarding the sun?s UV-radiation?s behavior on the pearls outer layers) and it would be interesting to know why Tahitians are not in danger of this fading. Perhaps it is the composition within the coating pus the metallic luster that gives some protection. And as the Exotics display the same kind of metallic luster, perhaps the answer lies partly there.

As one other member said, hang them out while in the shower, just a little word of caution: hang them all you like as long as you are a beader and know how to restring your pearls, otherwise better just put them on a chair or whatever, so the silk (if it is silk), is not stretched more than absolutely necessary:D

As for Jeremy?s offer to replace them - that I call a real good vendor?s behavior as there would be not many vendors offering such a generosity - on the other hand it might be interesting to get that strand so perhaps some "internal investigation" might take place:rolleyes: and in the end it is a very good marketing strategy and will keep us customers returning again and again...
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Bringing this thread back to its title. . .
I've just placed my order with Terry for the 7.5-8mm Vietnamese Akoyas (gem quality). I cannot wait to get them! Am getting a necklace and a bracelet and earrings too! So excited, wish I could see them now.
Bringing this thread back to its title. . .
I've just placed my order with Terry for the 7.5-8mm Vietnamese Akoyas (gem quality). I cannot wait to get them! Am getting a necklace and a bracelet and earrings too! So excited, wish I could see them now.

Oops....we did go off a bit. I would like to get an akoya strand eventually too. Pls post pics!
Hi everyone,

perhaps Caitlin cam move our posts regarding the freshwater pearls to another thread. Strictly speaking they should not be among the Akoyas.
I got my vietnamese akoyas from TPO today. Wow. breathtaking. The pearls shine so brightly even in regularly lamp light. Just unbelievable. The photo on the website does not do it justice. I can't wait to see how they look in daylight or sunlight! I love my basket clasp and the adjustable length. It makes the necklace so versatile. These clasps are my new favorite! I want to wear this strand every day. Or do you think I should only wear these for special occasions? Hmmm... The 7.5-8mm was the perfect size for me as i'm petite.

I also got a bracelet and earrings. I think the length on the bracelet might be a little short, I can put it on, but I think it just needs one more pearl... I'll mull over that on the weekend.

I also just saw SATC tonight and throughout the movie, I was lusting after Carrie's pearl strand... and now I have my own! And I do believe mine are shinier.
I'll try to take some photos before I leave to go out of town for a friend's wedding. I'm so excited that I'll get to show these off at the wedding. Thank you Terry!

Love it!
Which is your favorite color? And are the pearls in each color consistent? (i..e the yellows matched among them, same for grays, etc.)
Can't wait to see your photos. Reiah.
And I'm glad you like them.
I wore the PearlParadise untreated baroque akoyas at my daughter's wedding reception and they attracted a lot of attention.
Which is your favorite color? And are the pearls in each color consistent? (i..e the yellows matched among them, same for grays, etc.)

Hi Valeria,
So hard to choose a favorite, I actually really like how each color bounce off of each other. It will be a tough choice, but I think I do like the light blue/silver and the pinks the best. They just show up so well.

I'm posting pics under the "show us your pearls" section in about, say 10 minutes...