Caption: "How do I selfie?"
I have finally figured out how to attach photos! I think! (After figuring out how to take them, and put them on my computer...sigh).
Ten bucks says I'm going to have to edit this post anyway. We'll see.
I normally do not wear pearl necklace + earrings, because I normally don't wear necklaces at all, but I had a feeling this particular Wednesday was going to be a really terrible one from the get-go so I attempted to combat it by dressing extra-fancy. It didn't really help but it did make me look somewhat competent.

But, there you go. Freshwater necklace, my WSS from PP, my Tahitian dangles from PP (that enormous spot of blue in the pearl is actually my phone case. and the pearl itself is not warped in shape at all, it's just...very reflective, haha), the very first pair of Tahitian earrings I ever owned, that I made, and the Tahitian studs I found under the Christmas tree. I love them all and wear them constantly.
Aaaand I have silver/peach FW studs and silver-blue Akoya studs coming in the mail so we'll so how those work out. I don't know if any of you saw the Wolverine movie with his origins in Japan and trying to protect the inventor's daughter from the Yakuza etc etc etc....but basically I hated the entire thing (for many reasons) except for these gorgeous blue pearls the heroine wore at the end. XD I'm ridiculous.
P.S. I was right. There's an extra attached photo in here I'm trying to unattach and am being denied. Looks like I win ten bucks.
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