Help me choose from this selection


Sep 3, 2011
Ok I have narrowed it down to 5! Looking at all the wholesalers people reccomended I have come up with my 5 favorites.

There is some difference in pricing. They range from $645 to $915. I threw one golden south sea pearl necklace in there as well.

This is my first strand of pearls. I adore the multi colour tahitans but imagine they cannot be worn with as many different outfits so perhaps something a little more uniform is better?

I am somewhat lost I love them all along with about 50 others I have seen so if anyone can assist in one they think is better than another for colour or any reason.

I would be happy to list prices if that helps. Thanks


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Hi Penny, Welcome! I have a strong preference for symmetry, so I vote for the GSS first. The color and glow are lovely.

My tie vote goes for the Tahitian strand at the top. The colors are gorgeous, strong and deep. The pearl shapes are pleasing, actually round enough to outweigh the little nibs sticking out.

I love the Tahitians, but I'm not so fond of the pregnant-belly-button look. The little nibs are the only reason the Tahitian at the top didn't get my First. If it were a belly button on both sides that would be ok. Still, it's so gorgeous, I might be inclined to overlook the nibs and buy It, instead of the GSS.

My choices were also influenced by where I'm located. I'm In Pennsylvania, USA, and the cold weather is upon us. That means warmer clothes in darker colors, so I would ask to see like-in-colorTahitians with no nibs. For price points, I'd take Tahitians, with those colors with circles, for instance, rather than the GSS.

To help choose, pick one, look at each of the others and think of never seeing it again. Does that help?

(I love symmetry except for roundish baroques that look lumpy - I love those. So again, taste and definition of desirable is idiosyncratic. I still believe voting is a good stimulus for decision making.)
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Thanks ladies. I do seem to be hedging towards darker colours in the tahitians.
Lisa should I just email them asking to see like in colour tahitians with no nibs? Will it imapct hugely on price?

Thanks again
All good choices! The multicolored Tahitians will go with EVERYTHING! All the ones with nibs have a balance of nibs on each pearl, so it makes a symmetrical, or rather, balanced, pattern. The top one is very dramatic, but I would like to see another photo of it.

round pearls cost more. Nibs and other baroquenesses are often more interesting on pearls with so many overtones. If you haven't seen the one that GRABS you, keep looking!!!!!!
Thank you Caitlin. I have emailed them asking for more pictures and pictures of any similar strands. I definately love the Peacock overtones and from what I have read the silver would compliment my fair skin. I have been just looking at the pearls and choosing ones I love the look of but as I am totally inexperienced in purchasing pearls it is reassuring to get some feedback from all the helpful people on here. I was hoping to try some on I am in Australia and would have to go to a high end jeweller to try pearls like this on. All the local shops have freshwater only. I feel a bit dodgy wasting their time when I am buying online. Perhaps considering the money I am spending I need to get over that ;)
Hi Caitlin, hi Sheryl, hi Penny! See how personal taste is? Caitlin sees the symmetry of each pearl having a nib, I see one side of the pearl has a nib, the other doesn't - asymmetry! I'd be tempted to file down the nibs! That's why I explained my vote, because I really loved the strong glory of those first Tahitians' colors.

I do think losing the nibs makes a significant price increase likely, but you'll be happier knowing for sure. Not only that, you might find the price difference worth it to get the strand of your heart. We have members claim they eat rice krispies for ???years, for each meal! to make up for the difference in price. Many of us looooove rice krispies, or learn to, because we love pearls.

Also, some of us buy knowing that eventually we'll trade up. Not only that, but we might have one really expensive strand, and bunches of less expensive strands for fun.

Hey! Wait a minute - Caitlin and Sheryl didn't vote. We're allowed, right? I think voting spurs her to argue for or against, and that helps her clarify her taste.

Penny, for instance What kind of colors do you have in your wardrobe? and you're coming into spring down there, right? That'll impact you somewhat. Where are you in Australia?
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Hi Penny,

I am not going to vote as it is a matter of taste :) But I'll be happy to add my thoughts.

I started out buying affordable but not cheap FW pearls. Now that I have top class Tahitians as well as a strand of vintage, golden Akoya I just don't want to wear the FW anymore. Essentially I've wasted about $500.

I know that others on the forum happily wear many different kinds of pearls but I have fallen in love with the salt water pearls and can't help thinking how far towards a SS strand the $500 could have gotten me.

My point is: make sure you really crave what you buy. Don't settle for anything less. It is better to wait and save up some more.

As for multicolour I wear very colourful clothes and I fond that my multicolour Tahitians goes with anything.

And don't hesitate to enter a high end jewelry store and have them drag out their pearl inventory. My line is always that I have a birthday (Christmas) coming up and am looking for what to put on my list.

- Karin
Hi Lisa I am in Melbourne, it is mostly a cooler climate but I am coming into Spring/SUmmer. I wear alot of black actually so I guess anything goes with that. Also as a Mum of 3 young children I will probably save them for special occasions.

I guess I havent been emotional enough when looking at them I have been worried I will choose incorrectly or pay too much. I need to go back and choose what I love.

Hi Karin I would love to say I am prepared to save more and buy in the future but it is really only because it is my ten year anniversary that I can spend this much. I love the idea of golden pearls but I doubt I could ever stretch to very expensive ones.

I will have to go into a jewellery store it doesnt make much sense to buy without even looking does it.

Thanks for the feedback ladies keep the great advice coming.

What a fun choice you get to make! Yes, I, too, will encourage you to check out the jewelry stores for Tahitians. I do feel the Tahitians are the best choice for a first strand. You are wise to take some time to consider such a special purchase. Looks like all the strands have high luster, no matter the shape. I'll refrain from actually voting~but look forward to seeing what you choose!

Congratulations on your lovely family and very special anniversary!
Hi Penny,

If you are a mother of three young children you need to wear them every day! You'd be surprised at how sturdy pearls are. No need to wear them only for special occations.

I would probably recommend that you leave the golden ones which would be comparatively lower quality for the same amount of money. I have been surprised at the attention that my Tahitians get. They are still not very common. I would also recommend that you go for thickness of nacre, luster and multicolour (since you like it, and trust me, they go with anything) rather than shape.

Have fun walzing into a high end store and try pearls to your hearts content. At least you don't have to worry about their prices since the good on-line dealers here on PG will give you much more value for your money.

- Karin
I would go with the Indonesian GSS. They just look better on me.
OK, not being a big fan of B&M shopping, What's the point of spending the time, since we know our fave vendors usually are going to have better quality and she's going to be looking at stuff she isn't going to buy?

I guess it'd give her a better appreciation of what she'll ultimately purchase...I suppose that's worth the time...but, anything else?

Shoot, Karin, Go Green! Recycle those pearls you're disenchanted with, girl, sell 'em and start a SS Fund:). At least you haven't bought junk!!! Are you really sick of those big white pearls? & the pondslimes? Oy.:eek: I can feel the PGers checking out your stash, like I just did!
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Love waking up in the morning and seeing more responses! I am awaiting a few more pics of two of the Tahitian strands. I have definately decided to go with Tahitians as my eye is always drawn back to them. I do love the dramatic look of that first strand too. As soon as I have more pics I might post them if that is ok to get all of your thoughts. It just makes me feel a little more comfortable in my decision ;)
Now you're talking! Trust your emotional responses; if it goes on your body, emotions generally win anyway when you go to your closet or jewelry case, and for good reason.

Also, I don't think you could've gone wrong with any of these 5, in terms of quality, if the photos are accurate. Plus, kudos for the perseverence, for wading through 50+ strands. Potential sensory/emotional overload index High. Can't wait to see what your choice is, all 5 are lovely!

(I must say, I've won myself over to Tahitian #1 from the GSS, the colors just slay me. That's not said to influence you in any way, Penny).

I really was curious about the advantages of pre-shopping at a B&M shop, guys, not being disingenuous. Seriously. I came up with one other reason - to see which shades and color intensity suits your looks best. Anything else?

According to Color Me Beautiful, we have an innate sense of what will flatter us re color, if we just let go & listen to our gut. What do you think?

Am I going to be headed for the dog house for voting?
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Thanks Lisa although to be honest if I really went with my emotional response I would have to take out a second mortgage lol
Here are a few reasons one might consider going to a B&M to check out any pearls~hopefully a shop that has more than 1 or 2 strands.

1. Get an idea what retail charges for equivalent strands, and confirm the value of buying online.

2. If one has never seen Tahitians in person, or only a few times, to be able to see some various colors and qualities. (Like Lisa said.)

3. Confirm what size pearls one favors, and length of necklace.

4. Confirm what you have already figured out about your likes and dislikes!

5. Telling the sales people you are interested in and learning about pearls, and seeing if they are enthusiastic and knowledgeable can be an eye opening experience!
Thanks again I believe I have narrowed it to two strands. Will post more pics when they are able to send them through. Thanks again! Everyone is being so lovely and making this exciting for me when I was worried I would pay $800 for a strand worth $80
Ok I have a few more pics of the strand I am leaning towards and 2 others they suggested.

The only other contender is a mixed fancy colour tahitian strand. I am waiting on more pics of it. I am just thinking that I may get more wear out of something more uniform in colour and I must admit I am loving the dark strands (think I answered my own question)

What are you thoughts on the below


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