Help me choose a mother's day gift please


New Member
Apr 14, 2015
I can't decide on whether to get my mum pink to peach 8.5-9 mm freshadama studs or a 7-8mm metallic white freshwater pearl necklace. Mum has a pink to peach fw bracelet and multicolour fw necklace, but she only has white pearl earrings. I know that she has been wanting pink pearl earrings to go with her bracelet and necklace. As for the white metallic strand, it isn't something she has expressed she wants, but only because she doesn't know it exists ;) (and neither did I until recently). I think she'd love the white metallic necklace as well, the lustre seems extraordinary.

Are 8.5-9mm a good size for studs? I don't have my ears pierced myself, so I am not very good in judging earrings (apart from what I find beautiful or not).

As for the metallic strand, is the difference between AA+ and AAA noticeable to non-professionals? Is it one of those instances where it is better to wait until you can afford the AAA? Do you reckon that 7-8mm is good enough size wise, or should I wait to get a metallic strand for mum until I can go bigger?

I would really appreciate your thoughts, opinions and suggestions.

Here are the links to the pieces I have been looking at:
I think there's a noticeable difference between AAA pearls and Freshadama, but the AAAs are still very desirable and more affordable. I don't think the difference is as noticeable in metallics.

if your Mom's said she'd like pink pearl earrings, I'd buy those before you give her anything else. There's nothing like fulfilling someone's wish.
Thanks for your advice ladies. I've decided to go with the earrings. Lisa c, you are quite right... "there's nothing like fulfilling someone's wish"- well said!

Good point Pattye, I've sent an email to PP asking for the pinkest earrings.
Ah, good choice. I was going to add that many of us older ladies seem to feel that 7-8mm in a strand is a little small on us, another reason to go with the 8.5-9mm earrings. :)
Another validation of the choice you made. And 8.5-9mm is a wonderful earring size.
You're a wonderful daughter Rebecka, the pink freshadama earrings is a fantastic choice!
It's great to get your opinions, so thanks for sharing. You all know how to make a newbie feel welcome :)

Sea Urchin, that's good for me to know, thanks for pointing it out.

kelluvpearls and GemGeek, thanks :) She's a wonderful mum.
Thanks pkinnew

I will make sure to take a photo of her wearing them and post it in this thread :)
I might not be able to buy her these gorgeous freshadama studs after all :(
Apparently there are traces of nickel in the gold, and my mum is allergic. Mia (who was absolutely lovely) said that the amount is so small that it shouldn't cause a reaction and that PP has never had any complaints. I then got the "brilliant" idea to upgrade to 18k and while I can afford the actual upgrade, I can't quite afford the upgrade + VAT & customs :( In Sweden, we don't have to pay customs/VAT when the item(s) + shipping costs are less than $153, so for the freshadamas in 14k I would have avoided customs/VAT. But for the freshadamas in 18k, the shipping brings it above $153 (now that the sale is on).

I spoke to my sister, who has an even worse nickel allergy than mum and she thought that as long as there are only traces of nickel mum would be fine. My sister also said that if there is a reaction then my mum could put see-through nailpolish, because that works for her.

Now I am not sure what to do. What do you think?
Well you could check at one of our long time members ( Wendy's) site Pearlescence - she just got back from a couple of weeks in Hong Kong and the Jewellery show there..she posted some photos of what looked like pink pearls. Send her a message and ask her. She is in the UK which is why I suggest it as it might bring your costs down. Can't hurt to ask. Here is the link...I'm posting that as it can be confusing as theres another company with almost the same name.