Help choosing between Freshadama strands


New Member
Feb 25, 2017
Hi pearlies,

I've been lurking here for a while and have learnt a lot! I recently purchased my first strand of Freshadama necklace. However there were some blemishes on some pearls, and also most pearls looked off-round enough to bother me. I'm not sure if I've been spoilt, as my very first purchase was a pair of natural white hanadama akoya earrings.

Anyhow, I've been offered an exchange of my Freshadama strand to something that would suit me. Size is 9.0-9.5mm. My most important factor is roundness, followed by luster. Attached are the pics that were sent to me. Which strand should I pick? I've ooohed and aaahed over so many pictures of Freshadama necklaces here, so was quite surprised to find myself disappointed when I opened the box. Or do you think that I've been spoilt by hanadama akoyas and can never go back to freshwaters?

Please help me pick, thanks!

two freshadama strandsfreshadama strand
Hi pearlbie,

I prefer the stand on the right in your first photo, for its luster and overtones.

That said, with hanadama akoyas you are getting both true roundness and higher luster than you would with Freshadama pearls. If I were you I would choose the Freshadama strand you like best of these, and if it still doesn't quite satisfy, get akoyas instead.
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I also prefer the strand on the right (with a yellow gold clasp) for its sharp luster.
If you think roundness is important then Hanadama may be the one you'd love the most. Please do keep in mind that Freshadama pearls are 100% nacre.
Okay, I just saw your close up photos...I still like the one with the yellow gold clasp more.
I like the yellow gold clasp one better, too.

However, I'm also spoiled by Hanadamas and akoyas. I prefer the look of akoyas to freshwater pearls.
Akoyas would cost quite a bit more of course, but PP has sales periodically. Previous customers get a higher % off than others, sometimes 20%, which would take a good bite off the price. Just a thought.

I will add that in my experience it's usually a mistake to get what we don't really want. Sooner or later we'll want to get the thing we actually wanted and we just end up spending more that way. And the not-really-wanted thing just sits in the drawer. :rolleyes:
The gold clasp is the better of the two imo. It's got a sharper luster. When you take a photo of pearls..look at the circle created by the reflection. The edge of that circle is important. If it's very crisp and sharp then you have better luster. The finer and 'tighter' that surface is...the better the reflection of the light. Makes sense doesn't it.

The issue of Freshadama not being round has come up before in other threads. You might want to take a look. They are 'round to the eye' so they look round to most people but they are not truly round. If round is very important then you might, as Peal Dreams suggested, want to consider Akoya. They have a bead center and end up being more round.
Akoyas would cost quite a bit more of course, but PP has sales periodically. Previous customers get a higher % off than others, sometimes 20%, which would take a good bite off the price. Just a thought.

I will add that in my experience it's usually a mistake to get what we don't really want. Sooner or later we'll want to get the thing we actually wanted and we just end up spending more that way. And the not-really-wanted thing just sits in the drawer. :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the quick responses! At first sight I was drawn to the yellow gold clasp one too. Glad that my first instincts were right!

And I totally agree with you here... I've spent loads of money before buying second-best items instead of the ones I really wanted, and if I added all the money I wasted I could have just gone for the one I really wanted in the first place. Ideally, I would love for a strand of natural white hanadamas, but even on discount they would be 5k! At that price point I think I would prefer to get a VCA necklace instead..
I also like more with the gold clasp, but I probably wouldn't buy any of the two for myself. Somehow I'm not obsessed with any of the two by these photos.. And neither of them look round even to the eye to me (which is weird because other freshadamas strands posted here appeared somewhat rounder in the photos). I might have something wrong with my eyes though)

Nowadays you can get ridiculously good luster with freshwater pearls, but if you want really really round ones - I suppose they should be akoyas or south seas or bead-nucleated freshwaters (that will be somewhat difficult to get in perfect round in that size, and in bigger size might cost more that south seas).

I'm a bit concerned on hearing (again) that the freshadama pearls you've received had blemishes. While the roundness is debatable, there should be no blemishes (at least as far as I understand :confused:). Do you have any photos of the strand you sent back?.. Maybe it was moulting that looked like a blemish?..
The strand on the right for me too (and would change the clasp to white metal as I only wear white metals).

DK :)
I also prefer the one with the yellow gold clasp.

One thing to consider though is that we tend to be more critical of our own strands than those of others. If you blow up most people's posted freshadama strands and look with a critical eye, you'll see a bit of variability in roundness among individual pearls. While the overall effect on the neck is round, those slightly off round pearls might bug you in person in your own strand because you will have inspected them in detail, while on others we tend to form more of a global impression. Plus, we tend to post pictures that showcase our pearls in the best possible way (best light conditions, best angle, best outfit match). This isn't representative of all conditions that you'll see in person, so it's important to remember that before assuming that somehow you're getting 'dud' strands compared to other people.

But if you want perfect round and metallic luster, it might be worth it to you to save up for top quality Akoyas.
I'm a bit concerned on hearing (again) that the freshadama pearls you've received had blemishes. While the roundness is debatable, there should be no blemishes (at least as far as I understand :confused:).

My Freshadama strand has 2 very small blemishes, but they are near the drill holes and I really have to hunt to find them, so I don't care. If the blemishes were noticeable and the strand was otherwise blemish-free, I would feel differently, but I'm sure PP would have swapped out the blemished pearls on request.

That said, I love all my off-round, drop, circled and baroque strands (FW, Tahitian, Akoya, WSS and GSS) and actually prefer these shapes to perfectly round pearls. They often have better luster and more orient, too. And they cost less!
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Pearl Dreams, me too! I love a wonderful pearl with character. Don't get me wrong, gorgeous round pearls are something to lust after, but I just really love the way wrinkles, crinkles, circles, and bands play with color (especially on Tahitians!)
To me, a baroque pearl needs to be noticeably baroque.

Freshadamas are supposed to be the best, smoothest, roundest, best matched, freshwater pearls. If you are not happy with any of the pearls, send them back. If you like most of the pearls, send them back and ask them to swap out the pearls you do not like. PP will make it right, because they want you to be happy with your purchase.
I bought a strand of Freshadamas a few years ago and sent them back because I didn't like that I could see the unevenness of the pearls. I've had akoyas for years and so I wanted roundness. Nowadays, I still love my round akoyas but am totally fine with off round Tahitains and golden SSPs. And keshi are one of my all time favorites. If roundness is important to you, then go with akoyas. They don't have to be Hanadamas, but I do think you'll be happier with akoyas. Baroque akoyas are very beautiful, too, and more affordable.