Hello! And first stringing attempts.


Jun 22, 2013
Hello, lovely knotters! I want to thank all of you for the treasure trove of information here - I never would have tried my hand at knotting without the excellent information and tutorials here. I'm very much a novice, but I thought I'd post pictures of what I've done so far and join in the conversation. The pearl photos you all post are beautiful, and I'm really enjoying learning here.

These first attempts were re-strings - I had a 50" strand of very cheap ringed freshwater pearls that my two-year-old got a hold of and broke, so I restrung them into a shorter rope for her to play with. Then I took some of the leftover pearls and strung them with pearls I picked out of another very cheap strand I had, 100" inch rope in lavenders. There were a lot of metallics in there, so I mostly used those with the ringed pearls. I think that rope came to about 60" - I haven't measured it, but I can wrap it 3x very comfortably.

I ordered some 20lb power pro (white and moss green), so I'll be using that for future projects. And I just ordered some lovely little keshi petals, dyed black with peacock overtones, and some very interesting dyed peacock baroques, to string into a long rope. I'm not sure whether I want to do a rope, actually, or add a clasp so I can wrap it nice and short.

I'd love any critiques you'd like to share - I don't offend easily, and would love to get better. Thank you!

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I love the long strand triple-wrapped - it looks great on you. Great luster and an abundance of character! :)
Thanks all, that means a lot coming from you :) I can tell this is going to become a favorite hobby - I think I collect hobbies the way other people collect stamps. It seemed a logical extension from tatting!

As I mentioned, my next pearls that I plan to string are keshi petals, top-drilled. Is there any particular way you're supposed to handle top-drilled pearls that's different than center-drilled? Do they need bigger knots or something to space them, or do you just let them smush together and fan out as they like? I don't want to damage them and those keshi petals seem kind of delicate.
That's a good question. It depends on whether you want the petals to lie flat, in which case you would need to add some tiny beads to space them. If you string them more tightly, they "flutter" up and down. I suggest you experiment - how fun! :cool:
Thanks! I think the "fluttering" effect is really pretty with keshi petals. As long as there are no issues with doing them that way, I think I'll go with that. So pretty... Now I can't wait for my pearls and thread to arrive, I want to get knotting!
You are rocking this battah! I'm loving all your projects and can't wait to see the next one!
Thanks, luminous! I'm waiting on some silver findings and will have a few more things to post once I get them. This is fun :)
Very impressive! I don't dare start stringing; I'm barely in control as it is...
Latest project! I used inexpensive dyed keshi flakes and dyed drusys. The pics are kind of terrible so they don't capture the lovely peacock colors. I also used silver beads and a clasp, and finally figured out how to use gimp lol, though I think I'll use shorter pieces next time. Please critique me!

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Thanks! Pattye, I just adore peacock tones. I need to try to get better photos so you can see them - these pearls have great colors.

GemGeek, I'll do my best! Gotta pull out the camera, no more camera phone pics :)