Happy as a Clam!

I've said it before and it bears repeating. Some are talented and we who are awestruck, applaud with glee to witness such talents. How lucky for me to be able to call you my friends. Brightening my day, I'm happy as a clam!
How lucky for me to be able to call you my friends. Brightening my day, I'm happy as a clam!

Brightening my day
I'm lucky to call you friends
Happy as a clam

It was so close, I just had to do it.;)
Caitlin, that's so cute! I completely missed that.

Knotty, you don't even realize the hidden haiku in you!

Josh, okay now I understand why you never tried writing back any Danutku to match my Joshku......

If I had permission:

Oyster dissertation,
Josh free-range oysters interview I
For career options

Is it really a 'new cool' to be geeky?

I always kind of thought that it came partially with being secure enough to truly 'do your own thing' whether it's popular or not.
Like loving Hello Kitty if you're over 15.
Or thinking Olivia is the greatest!

Geeky= secure, intelligent, self-contained but not emotionally distant,
something like that. Plus maybe a little absent minded or tending to trip over things when concentrating.

Caitlin, I think your Haiku may be technically correct as well as esthetically pleasing. How did you do that?
barbie biggs said:
Like loving Hello Kitty if you're over 15.

Sorry Barbie, that's just going too far.

On a serious note, I don't get what you mean about Josh's free range oysters. Can someone explain?

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Another one comes to mind.

is that a little white clam?
no, it's some plastic
Dear Slraep:
It's actually pretty simple. I've been working on getting into grad school this year and knowing that I have to write a dissertation to get out I've been thinking about suitable topics. Being obsessed with pearls I keep coming back to a conversation on the PG some time ago where Josh talked about 'free range' oysters.
See there's this whole new breed of pearl farmers and purveyors. People like Josh and Jeremy. People who care about the earth and it's people. So I've been wondering if for my dissertation I could get their permission to do oyster research.
You know, interview the little guys, find out how they like the newer, better working conditions. How do they feel about the product of their labors?
There's been lots of talk in the last year on the Guide about what ends up in the water. There was even talk of pig poop. Bleeck. That was a bad thing.
Anyway, my Haiku had too many syllables, but thats basically it. Are the oysters as happy as clams?


PS I don't know if you've ever tried to get into grad school but it's like a whole second job. Lots to do.
I actually haven't written haiku- I was just fixing the others' up.

I consider noticing this kind of thing as an affliction :o.

Sorry I let it loose on the haiku, which was all wonderful in spirit, if not perfect in execution...... ;)
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barbie biggs said:
Are the oysters as happy as clams?

The answer might have a PhD in it for someone.

PS I don't know if you've ever tried to get into grad school but it's like a whole second job. Lots to do.

Nope, never heard of grad school.

OK to be fair,
here are some tries at Haiku
Please don't judge harshly........;)

Free range oysters grow
Ecologically wise
farmers swim to catch

Your dissertation
needs interviews with oysters
to complete degree

Clams are so much fun
and they sing so happily
No wonder we laugh
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That was pretty good. I think it's okay to tell each other we're enjoying the poetry. It's probably just gauche to come out and say "I think I do such and such so well". But I get your point.
I still think your Haiku is pretty good though. I thought everybody's Haiku was great!

Maybe the answer is as simple as how beautiful the colors of the pearls are and the quality of the individual pieces. I guess when they are stressed and unhappy they die. The better off they are, the better the pearls are. Basically, we could be talking anthropomorphism here but actually I think the larger question is about sentience. I'm not sure I want to know if a creature that makes such beautiful pearls has feelings about it. I was a vegetarian for about 10 years because I don't like the way our meat industry operates. Have you ever been in a turkey barn? The oysters probably have a much better time of it. And I guess Jeremy is right; lots of the oysters would probably be extinct by now if people weren't propagating them.
It's difficult enough to get people to recognize the feelings of other people. Do you think oysters are pacifists?
Try getting some of that in a Haiku.

When oysters feel good
glorious colored pearls come
a pearl farmers thanks

When people feel good
special care is taken of
their oyster children

Man and oyster work
beauty and satisfaction
together they bring
Kamoka black pearls
Ecologically sound
Beauty and mystique

or for Caitlin

Queen of our Pearl Guide
we defer to your wisdom
generously shared

or for Blaire

Octavia's Mum
Private tours she is given
fun shared by us all

or for Knotty

Knottess of Panda
and great for a laugh!

or Slraep

Cares for our planet
Challenging, eco-warrior
Loves playing with words

or Pattye

True "guide" of pearl guide
Collecting rare pearl beauty
Creative and kind

Still coming up with a couple more - hope I haven't missed the Haiku bandwagon - apologies if words are pronounced with more/less syllables in Oz! Or if I just can't count to 5/7/5!

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Patient, instructive
Inge, our friend from Sweden
quietly responds


The master himself
bringing pearls to all, JS
succeeds in his quest

Apologies for any inclusions/omissions.....
Geeky= secure, intelligent, self-contained but not emotionally distant,
something like that. Plus maybe a little absent minded or tending to trip over things when concentrating.

Okay, that last part is SO me! Does talking to yourself count too?
Great stuff! I'm keeping everyone's haiku in a special folder now. Even Josh's, sigh. I personally know that Josh is a whiz at Shakespearean type love sonnets and narrative poems, so I won't hold his hai-cluelessness against him. Nerida, you've got me down pat with that haiku description, too funny!

Okay- one more

Tears of gods or a
Madonna? Enrapture us
in your tortured sight...

(Such CHEESE!..) lol