Hmmm...I'm starting to think that my jeweler had a little incident with my pearls. I took some pearl earrings in to be removed from their setting (plain studs). Now that they are free, the drill hole appears to be barely 1mm and when I look at the pearl with a 10x loupe, it seems that there is something metallic in the drillhole. Could the post have broken off in the pearl? Does that happen? Mind you, this jeweler isn't famous for his knowledge of pearls but, his store is widely considered the best in town which is why I had him remove the pearls from their setting to begin with. I'm noticing now that the clerk had written on the instructions to "unglue" the pearls. Surely, he wouldn't have intentionally clipped the posts in the pearl, right? Any hope for removing them? They truly are a very reputable place so I'm surprised that they wouldn't have brought this to my attention while I was there.