
Silly question. If you have to update the webpage manually for the SOLD thing to show up, is it possible for two people to order the same piece at any given time - you won't know till it gets processed. Unless you've rigged it to the database so it takes it off the page once someone's ordered. Just curious.

Busy, busy ...
LOL! Now I understand "feeding frenzy" and "pearl predators"! How beautiful! Just so beautiful and my favorite -- baroque! Oh my, just beautiful. I'm going back to look more.

When you all recover ... how do I not miss this again? The posts are fabulous. Everyone is having so much fun!

How can anyone possibly decide on just one strand? I'm speechless they're so beautiful.

More P.S.: I had an e-mail re: the special when I got home from work. I can't access my home e-mail at work. Guess I need to add my work e-mail OR quit working!
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There certainly was a frenzy today. We spent most of the day uploading new pieces, but as many of you found, even with 4 of us on it the entire day, we could not keep up.
Anyway, we are running a full shift on Sunday to prepare for Monday. This is what we thought would be the busy day.

It is possible for 2 people to order the same thing, unfortunately. But only IF they have it in the shopping cart at the same time. This only happened a few times today... We typically let the second buyer know right away (isn't that right Pattye and Boo;) )

Did not prepare any pairs for earrings on this batch. Not to say we can't, we just have not done it yet. Too short on time with the big day around the corner!
Caitlin Williams said:
Hi raison
I put dibs in on this one

That's the one with the crazy orient! Nice ...

What happened was I kept looking at the pieces and realized there was this one that just stood out and attracted my attention no matter how many times I clicked on the others. I love the richness of the color. Not usually a fan of baroques but this looked quite regular and the nuggety thing felt warm.

I'd have picked this one if that one hadn't been available. Slightly softer pink glow to the lavender.
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I'd have picked this one if that one hadn't been available. Slightly softer pink glow to the lavender.

Which is exactly what I did! That one is mine.

Did not prepare any pairs for earrings on this batch. Not to say we can't, we just have not done it yet.

Yet. What a wonderful word that is. Something else to look forward to, yeah:cool: , you are right knotty panda, this is fun!

There is a brand new page up this morning with new pieces. So lovely! I bought one of the all-white strands (there only seem to have been two of them) though I love looking at the lavender and pink ones. Such fun this has been! :)
Yikes...what an event. I love clicking on people's links to see their strands. It really feels like a community with everyone swapping favorite photos and strand choices. ;) I have to admit, I was kinda hoping they would be sold out, just to remove temptation. My favorites have been sold, but with Jeremy putting up more...oh dear. Maybe I should surrender my credit cards? All I can say is I am lucky it wasn't the baroque Akoyas. I wuld have stood no chance at all. lol
Hi Boo and All-

Yes, as Jeremy alluded to--Boo and I have Wonderful Taste and picked the same strand!;) Since I was actually 2nd--my strand will be a Surprise--lavender, but picked by Kristen!!! So I will probably never know what number it was!!! But I am certain it will be lovely and indeed a True Treasure. I was being indecisive, looking at all the strands, some of the multis were beautifully shaded from dark to light when one looked at the whole photo, and the more wrinkled baroque looked so interesting too! This pearl predator would not be able to stop with just one if I saw them in person! Thanks again Jeremy, Kristen, Mia and all the staff there at PP, for all this great fun!!

so many pearls, so little time
You guys are good! I picked three. I don't know how to link them up here though. :) I couldn't pick just one. I choose a pink strand, a lavender strand, and a multi-color that appears to be graduated. I too was coveting that 101 lavender strand, though. Are there really more coming on Monday? I need some pearl-restraint.
Hi, Pattye -

You beat me to the punch! I was waiting for confirmation from Jeremy that I actually did get 101 before I admitted my good fortune. It was truly a Keystone Cops kind of moment that ended up with me ordering 101 and then another strand that I thought was 101 but wasn't and then (somehow) 101 again, all while madly chat-rooming with Jeremy to see if it was even permissible to add it to the cart since the posting didn't appear to be finalized yet. Whew! But, yes, it does appear that that particular beauty is mine...

I am sure your strand will be gorgeous as well - I was surprised at how many lavender strands there were. I was expecting lots of multicoloreds and a few "specialty" single colors, but Jeremy and crew really have put together some incredible pieces. I actually ended getting 3 - one for me and 2 for various mothers in the family:) In addition to the tremendous variety, they were also cheaper than I had expected them to be, and I figure the more people wear them, the better :D

here are the links:
Am I the only dork that "visits" my strand? I'm so excited to get them, I keep admiring their pictures.
I use Firefox and have a tab open in it all the time. ;)
OMG, you guys are so funny! Knotty, I do the same thing!!! (and I prefer to think that they are our siver blue Akoyas ;) )

I actually have my tab open to one of the graduated multicolored strands that I really like. I keep updating the page to see if it has sold yet to take away the temptation b/c I really can't afford to get another, but it is SO pretty.
I hope Jeremy ships like the wind. :)

So, did all of the strands get listed or are more getting added on Monday? I'm confused.