GSSP Harvest Strands, take two!

CrazyMissy ... I did find them a bit heavy when I wore them along WITH my "Walter strand" LOL ... alone not really. They are substantial, but overall a bit smaller. You definitely know you're wearing pearls though. Tonight I have on a little strand of small gemstones with one center pearl, and I can't even notice it's there.

Red ... thank you ... now you made me LOL! Really, after enlarging the photos, talking to poor Erin more than I should have about blemishes, and asking for more photos, I did figure there was a 50/50 chance I'd send them back. Oh, no :) These are quite different from Walter's strand ... more large/small bubble type variation, and the keshi are so different ... much smaller, more "crinkly" in texture and much more iridescent, rather than almost translucent. I did manage to talk myself out of the WSS strand, sigh ...
Cathy I have yet to see a pearl that is not meant for you ;) Simply stunning!!!!!!!

Purr and Battah you girls are so great sharing I can't wait to see what you do with you new beauties. .
Ohhhh!!! Such gorgeous strands! I'd love to see what Purr and Battah do with their strands! And Cathy, that Walter's Strand is lucky to have such amazing company. I love the idea of making bracelets and earrings. There are so many ways to wear 104"!!!
Thank you Amti ... when and IF I can bear to break up the 104" LOL! Doubled, it nests perfectly with Walter's strand ... but it is a substantial and a bit heavy and there should be a special event ...

Pearl Queen Newberry, Walter says he disagrees with you, and there are so many pearls not meant for me lol, but he says he'll still chauffeur you around LA and make you snacks anyway ;)
Purr and Battah ... you clever little possums !! ( I'm talking Aussie possums - very cute and fluffy - not the rat like American ones ;) ) What a good idea to divide one up !!! Good thinking! Its a beautiful strand.

Cathy - OMG you make me laugh - I agree with Red....'yeah right' What an amazing strand! And your original is , of course, stunning.
Thanks Pearl Dreams and Katbran! (Katbran, your possums are WAY cuter than ours :))

I can't wait to see how Purranha and Battah split this new pearl strand too ...
WOW!!! Cathy, Purr, Battah! Your new ropes! How fun and fabulous!!!
What a great thread! Fabulous sharing pearl friends, more pearls and Possums!

For all my sweet little possums out there in the ol US of A
Congrats, Cathy, Purr, and battah on your GSS pearls! Can't wait to see your creations. (Cathy your crack me up!)
just saw another round of harvest strands in PP. Seems that I came late to the party again, as the lengths are quite long! Like 70" long!

'Fess up ladies, where are the new proud owners of this batch of strands? :)
I got one! I've been wanting one since I saw them at the Ruckus. And finally did it. I got the 49" one, which is long as I think I can handle :-)
And the retirement fund dwindles again...
I saw them this morning when there were eight necklaces. This afternoon there were four left and I asked J if any of them were "Blaire-worthy"...LOL! Mistake!!! I think mine is also 70 inches. I can't wait to see Jacques and show him "our" necklace.
Linda, we will have to join everyone in a Ruckus harvest strand photo. :)
Ha! I noticed them when there were four ropes left, and picked out my favorite, which is now sold. Great choice. Congratulations. Please post photos!
Walter laughed so hard when I said I wanted another Harvest strand ... then he threatened to unplug the internet AND the phone lol No, I didn't ... and I'm so delighted you've joined us, Blair .... Congratulations!!!!!! I think we need Jaques to visit and join us in that photo, Blaire :)