green-purple FW pearls


Baroque Pearl
Aug 1, 2006
Some natural color freshwater pearls have amazing hues. Look at the ones in this bracelet. I wear it today with Tahitian pearl ring. In some light conditions color looks the same...

This purple/ green is really green/purple... I love it !!
Freshadama Lavender Earrings From PearlParadiseSea of Cortez Mabe Pendant from DruzyDesignakoya1


  • akoya2
    19.1 KB · Views: 91
Bracelet pearls are 6-6.5mm. I bought few strands. For bracelet I picked the greenest ones..

Ring is 12mm. I bought it before I started being obsessed with pearls. As far as I remember it was my first pearl purchase.
I bought it together with matching one pearl-on-the-chain-necklace. Those two pearls did not make me go crazy about pearls... My first baroque Tahitian strand did that.. LoL... the rest is history....
Hi Ivona
Most freshwater pearls that colour are dyed and/or irradiated. If dark grey/green ones are coming through it is big news.
Hi Ivona
Most freshwater pearls that colour are dyed and/or irradiated. If dark grey/green ones are coming through it is big news.

I'm sure that most are... Those on my picture are natural color.
I have to confess that since I saw first time this necklace of yours Pattye, I started looking for good quality chrisocolla beads. I love the way you combined those FW's with it !!
Yes, your pears are very green too.... and your picture is much better than mine.. LoL...
Wow Ivona, your FW's look fabulous. In fact, green is my favorite color... Where did you find them?
I have a bracelet of the purple-green freshies, and I love it. The pearls are very egg shaped, but have so much luster that my eye looks right past that to the shine and color. My supplier only has this color very rarely, and I do believe they are undyed.

Ivona, yours are so, so lovely!