got tiaras?

Stunning! I'm so glad you shared with us. They look fabulous on your skin, too! :)
Oh Ivona!!!

I love what you did with the pearls! My faves I have to say are the Kasumi!!! Way to go! Wear them all & Enjoy!!!

Ivona.. THAT NECKLACE IS GORGEOUS! I love the mix of the sunstone with the pearls.. beautiful photos too! Makes me happy to see this little tiara thread keeps inspiring! Cheers, Sarah
It definitely looks like something from antiquity that might have once rested on a mermaid's head or something. With a veil attached it would be wonderful for a beach themed wedding.
To be horribly, mindcrushingly pedantic, that is a billiment, not a tiara. A tiara sits just on the hairline or thereabouts and is worn horizontally. The bit of kit in Sarah's photo is designed to be worn vertically, like an Alice band, towards the back or crown of the head and stand out like a halo.

Pearlescence, this is one of my favorite posts of the entire forum.
This thread makes me want to try to make a tiara for my daughter. She'd love it!
Just because we should enjoy life, and because I can, I present you with

A Tiara Bump!
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Wow, this bump is a good idea. I missed the whole middle section of the thread while it was going on.:D
First time seeing this thread and thought it was fitting to add some of my daughter’s Quinceañera pictures wearing a lovely pearl tiara,

Thank you Bernadette, LisaC and Charlotta! This was a very fun and memorable photo shoot! This was at The Bethesda terrace in Central Park! She’s turning 18 now and I will do it again but with this pandemic no one can travel anymore!

I started reading this thread, thought a tiara contest was the coolest thing ever, started having IDEAS, thought a February deadline was quite reasonable, then I saw the date... However, seeing the results and Lilpearl's lovely daughter made me smile again.

"She really does the tiara justice." - I would say the tiara does her justice, instead. What a lovely young woman with kind eyes and joie de vivre.
LOVE IT!!!! Thanks for bumping it. I never saw this thread before.