Gorgeous Tahitian Pearls

Ha, ha , ha. A great article to go with my breakfast. Bodies came to my mind as well. Actually, the bracelet reminded me of a picture of a gastrointestinal tumor I just looked at yesterday.
Nora, Have you seen Bodies in person. We went to it in Las Vegas. It was very interesting and we were not upset until after we left. We were hungry but couldn't eat anything but salad. Everything looked like their preserved flesh. ICK.
No, I have not. I missed it in Chicago and I missed it here in Israel on purpose.....
Too bad the luster of the nacre doesn't really show in those slices. Interesting concept. What caught my eye was the teardrop-shaped nucleii in some of the pieces featuring sliced Tahitians. How common is it for odd shapes to be used for nucleation in those pearls? I thought rounds were always used in cultivating salt water pearls...
gosh i can't decide if i LIKE those or not! i keep going back to LOOK at them though! that should tell you something!........ i've always thought some of the baroque tahitians look rather 'animalistic' so i think it works with those shapes...... very organic.......

- jodie -
I hate to shock you all, but to me they are butt-ugly. Why not cut kidney stones and mount them with citrines? :confused:
(Chortle) GG, you heartless snob! but what creative imagery!
I hate to shock you all, but to me they are butt-ugly. Why not cut kidney stones and mount them with citrines? :confused:

LOL! Now that's an ingenious idea. You know how some goths wear a vial of their own blood around their neck? Imagine boasting of wearing your kidney stones and some druzy diamonds, merrily tinkling away in that vial with every step you take!