Golden South Sea Pearls at Pearl Paradise

I did get a gorgeous strand of 22k body and gold overtone drops from PP, it was described as warm body colour with sharp luster, light to medium blemishes. I was lamenting at the dismal exchange rate and wasn't going to get any, but I found a beautiful lower priced strand from the sale.
Comparing to the 24k strands, I think the 22k is a couple of shades lighter.
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Kelluvpearls congratulations!!! Your strand is beautiful and the color is divine. Enjoy :)
Thank you newberry and Kay, please post more photos of your 24k strands when possible, I love the gold colours.
I love golden South Sea pearls but it is not easy to get a nice strand at a good price. Found only one from Jewelmer. Had a short chat with Jacques Christophe Brannelec Jr at theHong Kong Fair and discussed the climate change as in the report of the Financial Times. Things look no good at all for the future. At the wholesalers you have to make up your mind very fast about buying golden strands, they move like hot cakes.
JP thank you for your kind words, I look pretty awful atm still in pain after having my wisdom tooth taken out. Will definitely post photos of combinations when I get better. I love these pearls.

Cees that is sad to hear, is it all due to climate change or other factors as well? Did you manage to stock your store with some gold pearls from the HK show?
kelluwpearls, dynamite- and cyanide fishing is also a problem and agricultural pesticides also.
Bought my golden pearls before the Fair starts, I love to visit wholesalers before Fairs to see what is in stock. But perfect deep golden pearls are very expensive now.
Hey Kelluvpearls, hope you feel better soon! Good thing you have those beautiful strands and projects to distract you from the pain.
My pearl paradise 22k gold strand

22k warmbody color and gold overtone.
Wow, Kelluvpearls! Stunning! And great pairing with that top/dress.