Golden South Sea Pearls at Pearl Paradise

Back to the goldens. As I mentioned, in most lighting the pearls look similar in color.

Two gold strands in different shades from pearl paradise

But, this morning I finally saw the green overtones in my 22kt strand. I had been wondering because I never noticed any overtones. But, since the 24kt strand has gold overtones, I finally have something to compare to.

Anyhow, in the light of dawn on an October morning, the overtones popped. I could scarcely believe how green my 22kt golden strand became. Almost looked unreal. The strand on the left is the 24kt with golden overtones, and the strand on the right is my 22kt with green overtones. Like I said, in most lighting you don't see those green overtones.

green overtone is evident in some photosdepending on the light

Here they are with a different camera and another angle. The green overtones are on the left, the 24kt with the gold overtones are on the right.

different camera and another angle - 24kt with the gold overtones are on the right
A few neck shots. First 22kt with green overtones, then 24kt with gold overtones, then both. The 22kt is crossing over the 24kt.

Neck shot of the 22kt gold with green overtonesNeckshot of the 24kt gold with golden overtonesneck shot both strands 22kt crossing over the 24kt
WOW, Red. Absolutely stunning!!! Do you have a favorite?

Wear in the best of health and enjoy!!!
Are you keeping both Red? They match rather well. Lovely photos and thank you for the comparison.
Some more photos from this morning. The first set was taken in the weak early morning light at dawn. The second set was taken in the stronger light of late morning.

First is the 22kt strand, then the 24kt strand taken at dawn.

gold south sea strand 22kt photographed at dawngold south sea strand 24kt photographed at dawn

Here is the second set, taken several hours later. Again, first is the 22kt, then the 24kt.

gold south sea strand 22kt photographed later in the daygold south sea strand 24kt photographed later in the day
Thanks, Red, great reporting!
The 24k strand has stronger visual impact (on my screen, anyway) against your skin. True?
On the first two sets of photos (on fabric, and wearing a shirt) i see a striking difference between the two, and I think the green overtones work better with your skin tone -- they complement it so nicely. But, on the last four photos I see little difference between the two strands. They are both beautiful, though, and both look very nice on you.
Red you are the golden girl. Love the pictures! Both strands look wonderful on you. More pictures please :) and how about adding the free form baroques.
I got curious when I saw the Golden South Sea pearls sale in Pearl Paradise. The information provided by the site is that the pearls came from the Philippines. They looked very similar to the strands being sold by Jewelmer in their jewellery stores; although most of the strands sold by Jewelmer are round golden and champagne SSPs. I also note that PP has dealings with Jewelmer. I was thus wondering if PP actually sourced these pearls from Jewelmer. Of course, Jewlemer cannot distort its market and use other outlets to sell Jewelmer branded strands; but like Mikimoto, they can probably sell their excess inventory wholesale with the agreement that trade names will not be used.

If this is indeed the case, PP Golden SSPs are a super deal, especially those strands below $2,000, since they are a fraction of a cost of what Jewelmer sells them retail in their exclusive boutiques.
Welcome, coabadsantos. Lucky you to be able to see Jewelmer in your local jewelry stores. I know that PP shops at the Hong Kong shows for a lot of their pearls, so that is also a possible source. But, the same thought occurred to me. And, yes, pearls purchased from PP are a terrific deal compared to retail jewellers!
Looking at all these wonderful photos, I'm curious - are folks finding light that is way more (or less) flattering to you goldens? Is there anything along the lines of how Tahitian colors really pop in diffuse light (overcast days, light boxes, etc)?
I'm finding that goldens are not as particular about their lighting as Tahitians. After all, the body color is golden. With Tahitians the body color is often silver, but it is the overtones that I prefer to see, and those don't show up under all lighting.
Red, wanted to say how beautiful your long rope of Tahitians and tourmaline sparkles turned out ... just gorgeous!!!
Thank you, Cathy. I'm planning to do their own thread here when I get a few minutes. In the meantime, the story of the goldens will be continuing. More in a few days.:rolleyes:

I'm curious which one you decided on. Although the 24kt gold ones are beautiful on you, I think I have a slight preference for the green overtone ones on you. At least in the pictures they look a bit rounder, slightly more lustrous, and seem to work beautifully with your skin tone. But IRL is often different from pictures, so it's been fun to live vicariously through your explorations, and I look forward to hearing about the final verdict.
I agree with Red on the Golden colour holding its colour in the light . I was at a seller yesterday looking at some Tahitian earrings and she had some Golden strands as well . I took things out into daylight and the " dark" Golden remain very gold . In fact all the nice deep Champagne shades that I like looked wonderful as well ...Tahitians need diffused light for the colours to pop. (Saw the most spectacular Deep Gold single with pronounced green and pink I'm kicking myself I didn't take a photo ! )
I'm finding that goldens are not as particular about their lighting as Tahitians. After all, the body color is golden. With Tahitians the body color is often silver, but it is the overtones that I prefer to see, and those don't show up under all lighting.

I think the diffused lighting aspect is mostly true for Tahitians but it also depends on whether the Tahitians have strong body colors and also how intense their overtones are? I've some T's that look fine under different lighting conditions.

E.g. this strand doesn't seem to have much/any overtones so I'm fairly indifferent about the whole diffused lighting thing with them. My t drops with huggies are also much more forgiving of different lighting conditions - I remember feeling quite thrilled when I looked at them under orange lighting and still saw those wonderful peacock (?) colors.
Tahitian pearl strand showing intense overtones in diffused lighting