Golden Akoya Pearls

These are yummy, Blaire, specially with the rose overtones ;)

And, Pattye, I am happy too, not living anywhere close to LA :) - I would probably taking all my "cash in hand" to Jeremy's ....
All I can say is WOW they are just gorgeous. I can't stop looking at the photo. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your beauties.
Here is a neck shot of all three natural color strands. :cool:
I love those golden akoyas. I would love to see more pics when you get some. They would make great studs!

Blaire, Those akoyas are beautiful. When and where did you get them?
The three strands of akoyas came from and all are natural color. Jeremy says the goldens are going up on Monday - Woo Hoo! Mine are the lightest shade, almost a cream, but not quite.

The amazing thing is that they aren't yellow, they are all true shades of gold. Now that mine are knotted, I've been carrying them around the house in my hand and setting them down in my lap for gazing/drooling. Definitely dangerous to have in the car! ;)
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Enjoy them!

Does anyone have photos of the blue? How round do they get? Are they anything like the silver blues we got last year from PP?
I didn't touch the first message, just posted the second, which also said pending. When I went back to look later they were both up, so I removed my comment about the system liking pastry better than pearls. ;) The weird thing - post 87 was pending for two days.