Gemandpearlover's Lowly Beading Adventures

Pearl dreams- you have one of those strands? Lucky you! I know they must be gorgeous. :)

Charlotta- I have the same issue with the lighter, golden metallics. My one 8mm strand just disappears on me. The one posted looks better on my skin but it might be because the pearls are bigger or that the shades are not as well matched giving some contrast. Your rainbow strand is a work of art- very special.
Thank you Jersey Pearl! :) Here are some neck shots- sorry for the terrible Iphone pics and hope they don't come out too big. Next- I am still waiting for my little freshies and Apatite beads. I am starting to think they will never arrive. :(



They're here! Finally the Apatite and tiny freshies have arrived. :) I also bought a pair of brown FW tear drop pearls. They are kind of meh IMHO.


I am planning on working on these two strands. I made them to wear together but I don't like the amethyst beads with them. To me the beads look plasticy for lack of better term.


I think I am going to save the lovely Apatite beads for another project. I am liking the tiny pastel FWs for the silvery Tahitians and the grey freshies for the darker strand.


We'll see how they look put together.
You are so creative Gemandpearllover and your creations are always so lovely. I have a strand of neon blue apatites somewhere, I haven't done anything with them yet, except for putting them on wire. Also have a strand of ombre pink sapphires that I haven't done anything with. It will be fun to see what you create with your apatites. Might give me some inspiration.
Thank you Katbran! :)

I have been on a rice pearl kick. Here is a strand with FW natural color teardrop pearls and dyed greys. My knotting has improved since I started to use a push pin as an awl. The knots are much closer to the pearls.

My next interest is in natural color pondslime pearls. Not the Edison, bead nucleated type. I remember our Pattye posted a pic of her pondslime rope and I really loved the look of those unusual pearls. They aren't that popular so they aren't easy to find, but I found a few strands on Etsy that I hope are nice.

Well I tried to make a lariat necklace with those apatite beads and small freshies and it was a disaster. Some of the apatite beads had smaller drill holes and I tried to force one down the strand and it shredded the beader's secret. Won't be using those again for awhile.

Next projects: Beautiful Tahitian necklace and ugly pondslime pearl necklace.

I bought this Tahitian strand from Vic's fine jewelry (he has an Etsy shop) knowing I would replace some of the pearls. One was low luster and two have a hammered surface that I don't like( see pearl number five on the right of the pearl that is center in the picture). So I have been buying pearls to replace those. The strand is pictured with 2 replacement pearls and I have another one that I still need to receive. I am going to put an orbit clasp on it. The strand is 11-14.



Next is the ugly pearls that I find so charming. The first strands should arrive Monday from a US seller and the darker strand will arrive much later because it is from China. My hopes are that with 4 strands I might find enough decent pearls to make one strand. They are 9mm size.



It's snowing here. Big fluffy flakes. I really enjoy searching for pearls and stringing pearls during this time of year when we spend so much time inside.
Three strands of the natural color FW pearls have arrived and I love them. They are so charming in their imperfections. I made two temporary strands until the other pearls come in. The third strand I hand knotted and added some FW rice pearls. First picture was taken near a window - very late afternoon, early evening. The other three in a lightbox.




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I spent hours wrapping Christmas presents today. I would take a break in between and string some pearls. I am getting pretty fast at stringing them so they don't take too long. Today's stringing:

All nacre untreated FW pearls. Some nice pond slime pearls in the mix. The rice pearls are pretty big.


IMG_3468 (1).jpg

Bigger white FW pearls. I keep taking these apart and trying to find a way to love these strands. I removed the gemstone beads and strung one strand with Plum and the other with Royal Beader's secret.



Reject Tahitians. I strung these using pearls I rejected or removed from strands. Seemed a shame to just leave them in a plastic bag.

Wow, you are fast!
What do you think it is about the white freshwaters that isn’t working for you?
Sometimes I wonder if our brains get so used to the stimulation and visual complexities of Tahitians, that white pearls seem tame. Before I had Tahitians, I found white pearls pretty satisfying, could inspect them for subtle color changes for long periods. Now Tahitians pull me in, and more frequently.

I think in short-hand we call it “the Go-to” around here. What do you guys think?
Hmmmm.......Sydk. I thing maybe LisaC is right that white pearls seem tame. These pearls are good quality but maybe because they are so big and somewhat formal? I feel lukewarm about my golden SS pearls too.

Lisa I do think Tahitians seem to be the most popular pearls on this forum. They pull me in too. What really has my interest now is the all nacre metallic FW pears. Especially the lavenders or the golden rainbow ones. They are so beautiful.
Pendants! Where have they been all my life? My jewelry collection previously only had one antique gold brooch that I use as a pendant. I bought a little pink freshie strand that came with earrings for under $5 on Ebay. I thought the clasp and earrings were worth the price alone. I strung the pearls and added a golden SS pendant. Took apart the dangle earrings and put them on these sterling findings for a more modern feel. I bought a Haserot Angel pendant on Etsy and can use this strand for that when it comes.

Your strand, pendant and earrings are so pretty. I love enhancers, I only ever put them on pearl strands that are small enough to be used as a chain or hang them on a clasp but they are so versatile. About white pearls, they have to be rather special for me to wear on their own, like my white south sea strand. Otherwise I get bored, it's surely all the colorful pearls fault. I use to love wearing a smallish graduated strand of vintage akoyas, then I bought tahitians. After a while even better tahitians and my white south seas and my golden south seas and my rainbow strand. I haven't worn even my good akoya strand, I have a gorgeous 8 mm strand with a white gold and diamond clasp, in years. When I hold it next to my white south seas the south seas wins every time, they are that lustrous. I told my family that the akoyas can be a family heirloom to be used if there is a special occasion. My mother used those on my fathers funeral. And the children might wed one day. Those are the only "traditional" pearls that I have left. The other akoyas I have remade.... And my family, except for my daughter, don't much understands pearls.
Sometimes I wonder if our brains get so used to the stimulation and visual complexities of Tahitians, that white pearls seem tame. Before I had Tahitians, I found white pearls pretty satisfying, could inspect them for subtle color changes for long periods. Now Tahitians pull me in, and more frequently.

I think in short-hand we call it “the Go-to” around here. What do you guys think?

I think you have a great insight... after reading your post, and thinking about my Tahitian obsession I can agree... color and complexities those are the characteristics I try to find in all of them. After learning about all the different variations of colors it’s difficult to settle for just white. Don’t get me wrong, I still love them, but I’m always trying to find those with orient. Probably why I tend to work more with FWP Keshis. :rolleyes:
The Haserot Angel AKA “The Angel of Death Victorious” can be found at Lakeview cemetery in Cleveland Ohio. I have visited this cemetery twice and it is haunting. It is also a dangerous place to be so if you visit use caution. You will find President Garfield's monument there with its other-worldly gargoyles that stand watch on top of the brick monument. My friends would not understand my fascination with the Haserot Angel or my fascination with Sugar skulls. So for the most part I keep that hidden, but I will wear this necklace at home and on the Day of the Dead and Halloween. This necklace is composed of dyed grey FW teardrop pearls 11mm in size, skull howlite beads, a Haserot Angel pendant, and a magnetic clasp. Made some mismatchy earrings to complete the look.





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