GEM Quality Multicolors


The Pearl Outlet

You'll want to see this! This is a Gem quality multicolor FW necklace. Every pearl was hand-picked for this necklace. Look at the reflections of the pearls in the pearls!


I've got some of those too. There great. And gone already. I am getting more. Although I didn't hand pick each pearl. They just seem to be popular.
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I now have an acute case of the wanties. Those are just gorgeous!
I now have an acute case of the wanties. Those are just gorgeous!
That's what I mean. Everyone likes them. I can show people all kinds of stuff and they like those multi's.
Amazing! Amazing!
Thanks Mike. It wasn't hard. Pearls like these practically photograph themselves. I made up 12 strands like this. It was painstaking, but what results!
Thanks Mike. It wasn't hard. Pearls like these practically photograph themselves. I made up 12 strands like this. It was painstaking, but what results!
I can tell you after spending several hours grading through pearls last trip I have gained a lot of respect for your efforts. That is really hard work. Its not as easy as it seems at first. Wait until you get old like me and you can't see anything.:D
Last edited: beautiful! Stunning, Terry!
I did a lot of sorting and arranging with the untreateds - finding different permutations from the strands I got near white necklace, some peaches, some purple and golds, sizes and shapes.
I've just done a bracelet and I think I can see another very pale necklace in there.
I now have an acute case of the wanties. Those are just gorgeous!

Love it Heidi! All this time I've been wondering what kind of disease I've been afflicted with -- now I know --"The Wanties"! :D
What a fantastic piece Terry! Pieces like this tend to "speak" and say "Here I am". Love me biy me take was taken to make me. I am special! Just fabulous!

You'll want to see this! This is a Gem quality multicolor FW necklace. Every pearl was hand-picked for this necklace. Look at the reflections of the pearls in the pearls!
Wow! Now we're talking! I just can't photo-massacre-shop those. stunning picture.
Geez, and I thought rounds were my least favorite, but these go right to the top of my "wanties" list too!
You're right - those pearls need no extra gif flashing to overwhelm us. Great job, Terry!
ooooh, I love them. Dang, just before vacation, this really isn't fair you know! Do you take trick budgies in exchange?
oooOh! My birthday is Saturday. Do you really have these for sale?
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