Gem Quality CFWP vs Akoya

I loved hearing the thoughtful guy's point of view. I could get used to this! ;)
I loved hearing the thoughtful guy's point of view. I could get used to this! ;)

Yes, Blaire isn?t he? Very nice for his girlfriend and hopefully other guys also read his posts so they can go and buy a lot of nice pearls to their girlfriends and wives too!
You guys (and gals) are awesome!

You guys (and gals) are awesome!

Again, thank you so much for all the awesome information and opinions on my current quest. Pandaexpress, thanks for the guy's opinion...i really respect what you had to say.

It really seems like I will be going down the CFWP road soon instead of taking the Akoya route. Freshadamas are my leading contender. I thought that Freshadamas were gem quality that not correct? Are Freshadamas superior to gem quality or vice versa? What exactly is the difference.

Price range is really not an obstacle as I was originally thinking about an Akoya AAA strand, so the freshadamas are well within that price range.

Boy it really seems that there are a ton of variable to take into account when purchasing pearls...perhaps more than in diamonds. I kind of like the variables, however, because that allows you to tailor your purchase to your exact specifications...instead of getting a 1 ct princess cut diamond that looks just like all the others...

I also like the sustainability of pearls and the low impact that pearl farming has on the environment. But that could be a different post.

Thanks again for your help and continued stream of answers to what has become my never ending line of questions.

I believe the difference is that the Freshadamas have orient and the AAA do not. (So the Freshadamas are gem grade plus orient.) Orient is that rainbow play of colors seen across the surface of the pearl in certain light.

That said, orient is very subtle on round pearls-- I personally find it hard to see it in mine. It can be seen more readily in baroques. I have an inexpensive baroque strand that displays marvelous orient!
Hey Jeff-
pearldreams is right. So the gem quality pearls that Jeremy has at pearl paradise that don't have orient but are better than his AAA are his 'gem quality' - but they're not usually available on his web site. It's

Gem quality - no orient
Freshadama - gem quality + orient

Hopefully my pics were able to show this - basically the Freshadamas are the best CWFP on the market today and have the sharpest and clearest shine, reflection etc. you can see yourself very clearly in them. And they have that wonderful warm orient glow about them that pearl dreams mentions. Keep in mind what your wife saw from the other lady - was it Akoya's? Is she thinking that she wants / desires / think that pearls are something that look like super metallic shiny metal ball bearings? Only Akoya's have that look. Freshadama's have a warmer more (in my opinion) luxurious look.

If you were going for Akoya AAA the Freshadama's would be a bargain. I would just suggest asking PP to ensure you get the cleanest strand they have possible - at the Freshadama level the luster and orient can hide a pit or two and they (PP) are focusing on the highest luster and orient possible - but for me personally, I'm ok with a little less luster and orient if it means the strand is cleaner (I just had nightmares about my GF and her mom examining each pearl one by one and pointing out each microscopic pit and each microscopic dimple). However, if luster and orient is most important to you (i.e. that way it will outshine pretty much anything you can find in a department store) then tell that to PP as well. They will literally spend a lot of time going through each of their strands picking out exactly what the customer requests.

Also a word about the clasp - I went with the white gold ball - my GF thinks this is the best and so did Kirsten at PP - it blends in best with the rest of the strand. You can get anything else PP offers (you can click on their clasp and findings link to see what they have). It is a learning curve since it has a fail safe mechanism to ensure even if it comes loose it will not let go - my GF had to start by practicing in the mirror - so if your wife initially is like - gee this clasp is hard - in a short time she will be able to master it behind her neck. It's nearly impossible for me to figure out - my fingers are too big.

Lastly, if you go for 7-8mm you can ask PP to try to find one more on the 8mm side vs. the 7mm side - I don't think you'll ever find a woman who would say - gee honey - go smaller - a lady on this forum said it best that once you get hooked on pearls you want to go bigger and bigger and bigger. This is part of the reason I got 8-9mm so that it wouldn't look like the pearls were from her daddy on her college graduation. Ironically she finally showed those to me and the pearl paradise pearls totally blow them out of the water.

Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes.
I think you'll be very happy with the freshwaters.
By the way I one of the few woman on the forum who likes smaller strands of pearls? I love the big pearls too though. I have two large baroque strands one from the PP, one untreated baroque pink strand ( last years PP special) and one white baroque strand. They are two of my favs but I wear my smaller strands more often these days. We'll see if that changes in the summer though. Last summer I wore my white baroques all the time because they seemed to go well with all my summery clothes. But yeah as soon as winter came around I wore lots of earrings alone or small strands. I like wearing two at a time as well.
Geez I guess need a pearl wardrobe for each season.
With earrings I prefer the larger pearls.
Casey, I have a theory of conservation of pearl mass: If I have an 18" strand, I want large, in your face pearls (at least as much as I can afford!) If I have a longer strand (24-32") it will usually be 6-8mm pearls. The smaller pearls (4-6mm) I tend to wear as multistrand necklaces. It isn't something I did consciously - I just noticed that that is how my collection generally seems to be. Of course, this is also dependent on cost. If a smaller pearl is pricey, it's going to be an 18" necklace because of financial concerns rather then aesthetics. Then again, weight is also a factor. I have a marvelous 100" rope I found at Sam's Club (!) that is 7-9mm white baroques and while I love to just layer that puppy on, I certainly never forget that I am wearing it.
Some years ago, I saw someone wearing a double strand very white 5-6mm akoya pearl choker and since then, I have always associated small pearls with multistrand. I think small pearls look too lonely sitting there without friends... :D
thanks again

thanks again


Thanks again for all the great input...where were ya'll when I was buying my first house?

So it seems that orient is the main attractor to the freshadamas. That and the fact that they are superior pearls. I assume that orient will make the pearls pop and have that extra wow that correct?

I have to say that I am surprised that freshadamas are not more expensive since they have so many wonderful attributes not commonly found in CFWP or Akoya, for that matter. Do you think that they will increase in value/price over the next few years?

So it really seems that PP freshadamas, 7-8 mm with a rose overtone will be the purchase over the next week or so. As soon as I get them I will be sure to post pictures...assuming I can get them off her neck...

Have a great weekend!

pktshc said:
I assume that orient will make the pearls pop and have that extra wow that correct?

That's about right. Everyone who has ever heard of pearls would know to look for size, lustre and roundness - and you've got those covered. Besides, that mysterious 'orient' thing will 'wow' folks who know their pearls ;) The only downside of starting out with a great strand... is that it will likely only be up from there! :cool:

pktshc said:
Do you think that they will increase in value/price over the next few years?

You can probably find similar pearls priced an order of magnitude higher right now - just think of a brand... The rest, who knows... Even if priced do go up allot, selling off jewelry is usually doable only at a large discount, unless the item is fairly rare and desirable. Basically, you might be lucky, but don't count on it. :rolleyes: I would say the same about most jewelry - definitely not just about fine pearls.
Don't forget. If you decide to have her necklace shortened, ask
Pearl Paradise to please include the extra pearls which were removed in the box so your girl friend can add them back later if she ever wants to.
Best of luck.
Hmmm...a little late, but what the heck. I love, love, love my freshadamas. Compared to mikimotos that I bought in less-enlightened days, there is *very* little difference. The mikis do have a *slightly* more metallic shine. But, the freshwaters will last so much longer and wear so much better. *And* to even notice the difference, you have to hold the strands side by side and really scrutinize.

Where's that picture where Jeremy posted the freshadama with the akoya? Shoot...I'd never be able to find that in these threads. :)

I think freshwaters have gotten a bad rap over the years, but they are absolutely gorgeous when they are of quality. I would definitely go for a strand with orient.
Here you go.


  • freshwater%20and%20akoya.JPG
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ya'll are the best

ya'll are the best

Thanks for the continued feedback. I love the picture that Caitlin only question is, "Which one is which?" They are both beautiful. I feel very good about getting the freshadamas. I plan to order them this weekend and I will post pics as soon as I have them.

Ya'll rock!

They look so similar to me. I remember looking at the poll and I believe the bottom strand is the Freshadama. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
That photo is amazing (the lower strand is one of the original Freshadamas, I believe, and wasn't the top strand Hanadama-- top grade Akoya?)

I think the photo gives one the impression that there is no difference in appearance between a top grade Akoya and Freshadama strand. But none of us would say that. The Akoyas do have a harder luster or shine when they are top grade; the overtones are more pronounced. The Freshadamas have more of a glow from within but not as hard a shine.

There are many who still prefer high-end Akoyas for their distinctive luster. There is a big price differential, however, and in the end with an Akoya one has a strand that will eventually wear out. Freshwaters won't.
They look so similar to me. I remember looking at the poll and I believe the bottom strand is the Freshadama. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

You are quite right: The Freshadamas are in the bottom row and the Hanadama quality Akoyas are above.:)
I think the photo gives one the impression that there is no difference in appearance between a top grade Akoya and Freshadama strand.
My hint usually is: The difference is that the Freshadama is the one with orient.
One more thought: when you get your Freshadamas, take them out of the box and look at them against a white surface, and then against skin.

PP sends them in an elegant black box, but the black background mutes the overtones and reduces the "wow" factor of the pearls when the box is first opened. At least, I have found this.