FYI Dyed Black FW Baroques


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Hello PGers,
I spoke with Natalie at PP today. She that that in about a month, PP will be getting more of the large dyed black fw baroque strands like the ones I purchased in December. Now you guys can get some too.:)
Hello PGers,
I spoke with Natalie at PP today. She that that in about a month, PP will be getting more of the large dyed black fw baroque strands like the ones I purchased in December. Now you guys can get some too.:)

she told me too, I had emailed her and asked because I love yours so much, she said they are only getting about 100. She specially requested them to jeremy because they were so popular....:D
Only 100? Dang...I dunno if I'm gonna catch that sale at all if it's during a regular week day! If the exotics were any indication of how fast pearls get snatched up then I'm sunk!
I don't think they are going to be put up on the website, at least thats what it seemed like. It might be like, special request type item.