FW Pearls on Steroids?


Jul 6, 2013
What a difference a year makes!! Just got back from my Manila trip and what was noteably different this trip from 10 months ago when I was there, is that most everyone is selling really massive pearls. Not quite as easy now to seperate the bead nucleated fresh water monster pearls from the South Seas, where in the past a quick glance into a case would tell you whether it was a South Sea or a FWP. The traditional round white pearl was definitely the bottom shelf item for many sellers.

So folks, what's driving the change? Is it the the high fashion Chanel "can't get em big enough" look, with the massive pearls mixed into layers of strands, is it new cultivation techniques that are delivering these super sized freshwater, or short growth times on really massive nucluei, or what? I haven't noticed a corresponding shift among the US on line retailers for the most part where big is still 10mm. The availability has to be high, because I saw alot of big pearls that weren't South Seas, and when I say big, these were 13-16mm "round" strands. The baroques sizes, especially the Keishi's were even crazier.

And while I would never have thought I'd buy anything even approaching that almost guady size, I have to admit that a strand of taupe multi-tones with interesting textures and touches of metallic sheen found their way into my bag. I'm not even sure how that happened!! If that happened to me, it could happen to anyone. I'm considering it strictly a funky fashion look to justify MY purchase, but is the classic pearl as we know it going to take a backseat to ever growing sizes, shapes and colors that are emerging? And did you all see the same trend in the recent Hong Kong show?
Here are examples of the massive pearls jmd mentioned at the start of the thread. I had asked the vendor for 12-13mm metallic white freshwater pearls, and she presented these 13-17mm klonks. She had white pearls from 5-10mm and from 13mm upwards. Nothing in between.


Only the high cost per wear of something gargantuan kept me from buying these. In fact, it drove me to other end of the range--these small 6.5-7mm Akoyas (which jmd also bought, if I'm not mistaken) and moderate Chinese Kasumi-like 11mm pearls.


I'm tempted to say the massive pearl trend is fueled by the growing Philippine economy, but I'm sure there's more to it.
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Will do. It's stashed in the bottom of my bag. I didn't want a discussion with customs about the possibility of these being South Seas when I clearly paid for freshwater but forgot to get a receipt (you know, the sure lady discussion).
Cyndayco: "the high cost per wear" of the pearls …. that is an intelligent way of looking at it, really.
You want to get a good bang-for-your-buck, and wear them all the time.
But wow, those fatties are sure cool looking pearls!
Great photos.
Holy cow! 13-17mm!!!!! Beautiful luster! What were they asking for that size?

Because I'm a regular customer, the asking price was $800, comparable with Sven's Edisons.

I know, they sound like a bargain, but once you see these in person, they are intimidating. To you, they scream "Wilma!". To Filipinos, they command, "I am Imelda. Curtsy or go to jail."

jmd, however, is a brave woman, which is why she bought her multicolor klonks.
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Ok folks, here they are. They are more modest than Cyndayco's mammoth South Seas look-a-likes, ranging from 13-15mm. They are also a bit more textured and certainly not perfect in shape, but the nacre had a bit of metallic tone on a number of the pears, and all in all very appropriate for a casual look. The price of these were way more modest as well, just under $100 for earrings and the strand. Love Cyndayco's word "KLONKS" for these, they are clunky for sure. 201.jpg204.jpg209.jpg

It was positively scary as a classic pearl girl how many of these crazy sizes were displayed. Lots of the really large pearls were "majestics" - read shell pearl - but these large size FW's could be found without much in the way of a search. Sorry I didn't have a picture done wearing them from the market so you can see the proportions fully. Not sure I can get a "selfie" but if I can borrow a friend tomorrow, I'll post them "en wardrobe".
Just had a brainstorm. Here's one more picture of these KLONKS against a strand of 8-8.5 mm FWP's. 211.jpg
jmd's pearls look richer in person; the photo does not do them justice.

But she makes a good point. Color and texture make a big difference and reduce large pearls to a more human scale.

BTW, the term "klonk" was coined by a former member of PG, many moons ago. I also thought it was very appropriate, especially for large metallics.
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So photographing at midnight is not ok? Just reviewed the thread on taking great photos. I promise to reform and can't wait to try the underwater technique. I do have a white box also,just never thought to use it for pearls. Guess that's why I'm a spat!
Last night when the time zone change had me wide awake at 1am, I jumped on the forum and went to Jeremy's Pearl chat link. While I didn't make it the whole way through, the first 30 minutes covered several new pearl development techniques leading to these larger than life pearls. In fact he answered to a large degree the why, specially a new technique that is allowing pearl farmers to "blowout" the pearl sac of young oysters so they can subsequently produce larger pearls. Apparently similar things going on with the Chinese mussels producing NFWP's. He also unveiled the Hong Kong show purchAses which included pearls even larger than Cyndayco and I had seen. If you haven't had a chance to watch the recorded session, I'd certainly recommend it as the art of the possible is surely changing. Being in Asia we got a chance to preview what is coming, but without the situational awareness to fully understand what we were seeing. Watch the video and be amazed!!